Stream 3} Carrin, Kalven, and Ezoler

Carrin played by Jiro, Kalven played by Snake, Ezolert played by Julian
Carrin was walking along the stream. it was a particularly warm day. they found a spot in the sun and sat down. the warmth felt nice on their skin. they watched as some animals scuttled around near their feet.
"hell"o"? want a fish?" Kalven said, to the stranger in front of them. He sat down and slowly nibbled a fish from a basket beside him, working diligently on some sort of contraption.
A silhouette in the trees seems to have taken mind interest. It was hard to tell if the being was male or female. They had extremely long hair, it dragging down to their ankles. It had red eyes, and wore long, dark robes, a hood over their head.
Carrin turned their head towards Kalven. 'i guess i didn't see them before' they thought. "uh.. sur, i gues."
Kalven put the basket between them without saying anything, and immediately resumed working on what seemed to be some sort of heavily-modified water wheel.
As Kalven turned his back, Ezoler jumped out of the trees and tried taking fish. He didn't notice Carrin, so he was doing this right in front of Carrin, his long hair falling in his face. He was attempting to stuff raw fish in his mouth.
"uhh.." carrin gently took the basket away from Ezoler, placing it on their lap. "yo shoul as befor takin thing.."
"wh"o" are y"o"u talking t"o"- W"O"AH" Kalven jumped at the sight of Elozer, somehow accidentally breaking the water wheel.
"GIVE THE FISH!! FISH!!! GIVE!!!" He screamed, looking visibly distressed. His red eyes gleamed, it wouldn't be much of a surprise if the rustblood jumped up and attempted to attack Carrin. "YOU WON'T GIVE EZOLER FISH, EZOLER TAKE!!"
"i yo as nicel i sur yo ca hav som fis." Carrin just. :/. "mayb yo shoul tr calmin dow,,,"
*He sat down, visibly upset. He made the grabby hands action, his making the same facial expression back. He then made a pouty face, moving his own long hair out of his own face. "Give." He seemed to order. He looked back at Kalven, looking angry again. "YOU BROKE FISH! CLUMSY!!"
"n"o"- i was just- it just- it wasn't-" Kalven stumbled, shaking uncontrollably. "it wasn't d"o"ne, it's n"o"t the fish, i- i'm s"o"rry." Kalven worked on fixing the water wheel, although keeping an eye on
"Why are you-" Ezoler tilted his head, standing up. His hair fell down to his ankles once again. "You're shaking. What's the reason for that?" Ezoler towered over Kalven, his red eyes gleaming. "Do not apologize, I'm insulting YOU, I should apologize!!!!!!" Ezoler screamed. He had a rather deep voice for trolls.
carrin sat there, playing with their skirt. they watched the two go back and forth at eachother, still holding the basket. :|
He glared down at Kalven, his ears seeming to twitch. He then flipped his long hair and turned to look behind him, directly at Carrin. "Can have fish now?" He asked, rolling his eyes, almost seemingly demanding the baskets fish. He said it in the most "are you done yet" tone.
""o"k, uh, i think i fixed it! in a weird way, thank y"o"u f"o"r sh"o"uting at me? it l"o""o"ks better than it was bef"o"re, and n"o"w i have r"o""o"m f"o"r the c"o""o"ker, s"o" it's finished!" Kalven exclaimed suddenly, out of fear of Elozer getting angry again. The machine immediately whirred to life, catching and cooking new fish. Kalven held up the first fish to Elozer, offering it shyly.
He looked down at the first fish. He gave the dumbest biggest grin, his rust red eyes seeming to light up. He shakily grabs the fish, still looking at Kalven as if it's okay, despite Kalven handing it to him. Ezoler must've had to steal things in the past, and that explains why he tried grabbing the fish basket instead of asking. "Thank... Thank you for fish." He said, his mouth full. Dude, if he starts crying here, mouth full of fi- oh, there he goes. Ezoler starts crying, mouth still full of fish.
Scene End


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