Trail 1} Ally and Mars

Ally played by Riley, Mars played by Jiro
Ally walks out onto the trail. This is her first time really coming out of her house and exploring things. She would expect no one to be on this trail, mostly because no one really ever comes out to the forest that often. Shes seen one or two people come by when she was looking out one of her windows, but that was about it. She continues to walk along and scuff her shoes on the trail
Mars was sitting in the grass a bit off of the trail. They were looking at a small family of snails as they passed by Mars' foot, smiling.
She notices them sitting by the trail. She would hope that no one would see her so they wouldnt engage in conversation because she was no good at doing that. She tried to quickly walk past them without them noticing, but she trips and falls on an uprooted tree root and falls down. All of the materials on her backpack go flying all over the place "oh no! gosh im so clumsy-" She says quietly to herself, trying to get a hold of what just happened
Mars turned their head, seeing Ally. They got up from looking at the snails and picked up some of Ally's belongings. "aRe You oKaY?" they asked, seeming to pronounce most of the letters except vowels.
Allys head rises to meet their head, but she puts it down immediately and begins scrambling around to get all of her stuff back together "y-yeah im ok dont worry about me" She lightly took some of her belongings from Mars' hands
Mars slightly smiled, though you can't see it behind their mask. "aRe You SuRe? iT LooKS LiKe THaT TRee RooT GoT Ya GooD."
She sighs and laughs a little "yeah, im totally fine dont worry. you can go back to what you were doing, and ill be on my way" She gathered up all of her stuff and stood up from the place she fell down
"oH. Do You WaNNa HaNG ouT oR SoMeTHiNG? iM KiNDa BoReD aND LONeLY." Mars suggested. The snails were getting kinda boring.
She never really thought of hanging out with anyone before. What do you even do anyways? "o-oh well uhh i guess..? ive never really hung out with a-anyone before... where would we even go?"
"We CouLD Go To MY PLaCe oR HaNG ouT HeRe. iLL LeT You DeCiDe." They pushed up their shades.
She looked down at the trail and said quietly "orwecangotomyplaceitsyourchoicereallynotmine"
Mars shrugged. "We CaN Go To YouR HouSe."
Ally turned her head up to meet Mars' "oh, o-okay! we could go to my place. wanna like.. walk a bit before we go then?"
"SuRe." They said, smiling behind their mask. "WaNNa WaLK DoWN THe TRaiL HeRe?" They asked.
She nods slightly “yeah let’s walk down there” She starts slowly walking down the trail after getting herself together
Mars walked with Ally down the trail. They were smiling, though you can't see it. "So, HoW HaS YouR DaY BeeN?"
Ally looked down at her feet as she walked “it’s been good so far i guess. it’s always pretty boring where i live so that’s why i came out here so i had something different to do” She sighs
“WHeRe Do You LiVe THaT iTS So BoRiNG? iF YouRe oKaY WiTH Me aSKiNG, THaT iS.”
“i live in the middle of basically no where. we should be walking for a while before we reach my house. i just kinda wandered off into the woods until i found this trail here then i found you. it’s a pretty cool house though when you first see it but when you live in it for most of your life it gets pretty boring”
“YeaH. THaT MaKeS SeNSe. i LiVe WiTH MY SiSTeR iN ouR aPPaRTMeNT. THouGH SHeS NeVeR HoMe.”
To be Continued...


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