Valera's Hive 1} Claroy and Valera
Claroy frowned in distaste as he was hauled unceremoniously through the water toward the hive.
When he first realized Koar was taking him toward the ocean he'd had a bit of a freak out, not really wanting to go back there again. But after a bit of travel he calmed down and crossed his arms, waiting patently to be deposited wherever his lusus had planed on taking him.
"I hardly zee why dhiz iz zo imbordand, az I've been zocial adleazd once dhiz week already." He fussed as Koar, who only grinned and glided to a stop at the front of the hive.
The large lusus smacked on the door with his tail, announcing their presence.
Claroy heard small little taps get close to the door and a little buzzer sounds and the door unlocks. He then hears seal barks and a high pitched male voice talking back to it very quickly.
Not really wanting any part of this, Claroy keeps his arms crossed, as if that will make his lusus turn around and take him home.
It doesn't, of course, and instead takes that as an invitation to head on in.
As the group walks in they see a pretty clean looking hive for an absolute nerd. Claroy can see a small violet blood with headphones on and sweatpants desperately trying to talk itself up not really noticing that he is already there. Its lusus is barking at you and flops over as if to welcome to the hive.
Koar finally let Claroy go once they where inside, and grinned widely at his friend.
Claroy rolled his eyes and frowned in annoyance at the his surroundings. He had work to do and this was more than a small waste of his time. But he'd already come to terms with that during the trip, mostly.
Finally he looked over the troll he was there to visit and studied them with mild disinterested while he waited to be acknowledged, not really willing to make the first move if not in his own space.
It suddenly snaps out of it and blushes a dark violet as it stares at you. " long have you been there?" It then walks over and holds out its hand. "I'm uh...Valera."
"I, unvordunadly, waz nod dimeinj id." He awkwardly took the offered hand for a very brief moment before pulling his hand back to himself. "Jreedinjz do you, I zubboze, Valera. I brever Claroy, when adrezzed."
It smiled a little and took its hand away to mess with the hem of its shirt. "So um...wanna sit at the table? What uh...what are you interested in?"
"Yez, bleaze." He nodded curtly and debated if he should go ahead there or wait to be lead. He wasn't very practiced at being a guest.
At being asked about his interests though, Claroy forgot about his discomfort at the the whole situation, and tensed up in excitement. Maybe this wouldn't be so terrible, assuming their interests aligned.
"Medical Zcience, on a more broad zenze. Bardiculalry inderezded in jenedicz ad dhe momend, mroe zbeziv- acdually. Yez jzud Medical zcineze vor now iz a jood blace do zdard. I zubboze I zhould redurn dhe cuezdion."
"Oh, that's pretty cool! I just kinda like acting....sorry I don't really talk to people in person..." It rubbed the back of its head. " can use plants in medicine right?"
Claroy waved the apology away dismissively. "Iv you did I doubld I would be dhe one vizidinj rijhd now, I am well awear I'm no one'z virzd choice ov converzadional combanion."
He decided to go ahead and take a seat at the table, knowing that he would start pacing if he stood for to much longer. For some reason people didn't tend to like that very much, and he was trying to be polite.
"Yez, blandz can be uzed do broduce all manner ov medicinez and evvecdz. I dabble in jardeninj, dhoujh Koar iz more dhe jardener dhan I." He gestured to his lusus.
It quickly sat at the table with him and looked at his lusus and then asked its lusus for some stacks. The seal then flops into the kitchen to grab food. "I have my own little garden if you want to look at it"
"Dhad wouldn'd be unbleazend, I believe I'll dake you ub on dhad. Iz id an acuadic jarden or a derrezdrial one?"
Claroy watched as his own lusus trundled after the seal and hoped that would mean he would be getting some tea, and not that they would get distracted and leave the him alone with Valera for too terribly long.
Valera got up and decided to take Claroy to its garden. It was a greenhouse, with little tiny lusai living in the garden. Mostly to pollate it.
He hadn't even had any tea... but he'd rather move around than sit anyway so Claroy didn't complain. He stood back up and followed his host, curious to see what they had growing.
"I'm curiouz whad evvecd dhe brezure down here would have on derrezdrial blandz." He muttered mostly to himself as they entered the garden.
The plants are much smaller than they should be, and the vined plants actually creep along the floor instead of the walls. Its quite interesting. Its lusus then pops in with a tray of tea balanced on its head.
"Dhey look radher healdhy, your blandz, I'm cuide imbrezzed acdually. Have you nodiced much divverence odher dhan jrowdh baddernz vrom dhe blance you ahve here verzez onez jrown in dhere normal environmend?"
"No? Do they grow different on the actual ground?" It looks genuinely curious, it never went on the surface afterall.
"Dhiz zord uzualy climbz hijher, I believe. And dhiz zord iz ovden a bid larjer." Claroy pointed, tryng to recall things about the plants. Koar didn't have those exact ones in the garden. He walked closer and knelt down to examine them a bit better.
"I'd be inderezded in jrowinj dhe ezacd zame blandz, uzinj dhe zame dechnicuez, and drackinj dhe divvrencez." He was fully immersed in the though of something to research.
It smiled. "You can uh...take a sample of it or something if you want?" It gave him a pat on the back, a friendly short one.
"I'm avraid I didn'd brinj anydhinj I could zdore a zamble in. Dhe ocean wader would likely chanje dhinjz doo much vor any accurade obzervadionz." Claroy tolerated the pat, being guilty of an awkward guest pat now and them himself. "I'll be zure do blan vor dhad, zhould I vizid in dhe vudure. Combairinj dhem in jrowdh would be ideal."
Claroy stood back up and gestured around. "Would you be inderezded in conducdinj zome back and vordh combaridive rezearch widh me ad zome boind? Azzuminj, ov couze, we zbeak ajain avder dhiz."
Valera grins really brightly. "That sounds really fun!! Maybe i can bring you a full plant one day" it giggles and grabs a teacup from its lusus.
Claroy brightened as well, glad he got a positive response.
"Ezcellend! Berhabz we could drade divverendly raized blandz. Condinue obzervadionz on reacdionz do dhe chanjez in environmend."
It took him a while to realize that if he wanted tea he'd have to pick it up off the tray himself. He was used to things just 'appearing' in his hands.
He walked over and took a cup as well, giving it a tentative sniff before tasting it.
Its a sweet green tea, and has some sweets to go with it. Valera held the cup with both hands. "I dunno if this is too weird to ask but, how are your quadrants? Bubba, my lusus, always bullies me that i dont have even a moirial..."[/container]
Claroy took a good sip of the tea, but didn't go for any of the sweets. While he wasn't looking though his own lusus slipped some into his hands, coming in seemingly out of nowhere.
"Ah, mine iz radher vizaded on romance az well, unvordunadly. While I'm zdardinj do underzdand dhe brozidive azbecdz ov reladionzhibz, I don'd veel dhey oudway dhe downzidez, az ov you." He put the sweet back down, only to have it show up in his hand again. "Dhad iz do zay, I'm nod inderezded in zuch dhinjz."
It nods and sips its own tea. "I guess I can understand that....but it gets a little lonely without friends." It laughs and then remembers that it needs to water the plants. "Oh right!" It puts down its cup and rushes over to the watering can it has. Its shaped like an elephant.[/container]
"While reladionzhibz are nod a dhinj I enjoy or zeak oud, I can'd zay dhad I am ever really alone, dhoujh I may zomedimez wizh I waz. I had, undill recendly, dwo odherz livinj in my zbace. Dhe humanz have a derm vor dhiz, I believe id'z 'vamily' dhoujh I veel zomedhinj may be a bid lozd in culdural dranzladion."
He thought about loneliness and its effect on others. It would be an interesting phenomenon to study or try and find a cure for. One might think it was beneficial trait that lead people to seeking each other out, but many reacted to it by hiding away. And it was never an emotion he'd really felt, even when alone, so clearly there were flaws.
To be Continued...