Arcanium Residue Suppressor

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Magitech has been a stunning revolution for Materians. However, amidst all of the positives, the fusion of magic and technology has its downsides.

A lot of magitech creates a bi-product known as Arcanium Residue; a thick, adhesive substance that is either severely Charged Negative or severely Charged Positive (depending on the source of magic).

Arcanium Residue the rapid decay of whatever it comes into contact with. Wood and metal suddenly becomes brittle. Individuals who touch it will suddenly experience necrosis in the area that touched the residue.

These suppressors are a way of combating that.

How it Works

The suppressors counter Arcanium Residue by flooding it with the opposite magical charge. So if a piece of magitech is known to generate Charged Negative residue as a bi-product, then a Charged Positive suppressor agent will be used.

The agent forces the residue to break down - to anyone watching the residue will start to fizz until nothing is left. If applied fast enough, it can break down Arcanium Residue before it fully forms, thereby preventing unwanted decay of equipment (or anyone unfortunate enough to come into contact with the residue).


Arcanium Residue Suppressors come in many different shapes and sizes. Typically, they are installed onto magitech devices as a way of immediately tackling Arcanium Residue at the source. These are known as Primary AR Suppressors.

There are also Secondary AR Suppressors that are used to clean up spilled or uncontrolled Arcanium Residue. Secondary AR Suppressors are handheld devices. They come with a pack (fitted with straps so that it can easily be carried) and a connected hose which is used to spray the Arcanium Residue with the suppressor agent.

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Added Benefits

AR Suppressors have the added benefit of destroying the Reaper Rat’s food source. By breaking down Arcanium Residue, the suppressors prevent the entire area from becoming desolate with decay, meaning that these pesky beasts have to look elsewhere for decaying matter. This in turn prevents the spread of disease (as Reaper Rats are sturdy carriers of some of the most deadly infections).

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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