Essenbrand Armour

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After the Assault of Dulne Harbour, a location that the Materians believed to be impenetrable, they knew that they needed something capable of protecting them from the Dyrus’ inherent magical capabilities. Materian engineers came together to conceive myriad ideas, but all fell short.

All except one. The concept of an item steeped in the technological prowess the Materians boasted, whilst also harnessing the magical power that the Dyrus held so tightly to their chests - the Essenbrand Armour Plating.


Design and Function

Essenbrand is a lightweight material that can be added to personal armour (i.e. that worn by a member of the Materian Alliance), or to enhance the protective casing of a vehicle or building.

The plating uses similar circuitry to the Lancer Plating, which helps to protect the wearer or vehicle from Materian-based weaponry, such as guns. It also has a secondary circuit which is designed to be charged by an External Magic Reservoir (EMR) to protect from magical weaponry and attacks.

Both sets of circuitry sit in a central layer, encased by protective padding which will prevent the wearer from getting a nasty shock. The protective padding is then encased by a thin, breathable fabric.

Baron Summerglow,

If we wish to make up for the recent blow suffered at Dulne Harbour, or indeed have any chance of fighting back against the Order, then I urge that you allow my research into their magic to continue. We must use their own powers against them, or we are destined to get left behind.

Give me the funding. The resources. The time, damnit, and I will give you something that can turn the tide in this war.

— Correspondence from Suhani Ironmane to Baron Summerglow
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Rather ironically, in attempting to cripple the major factories contributing to the Materian’s technology output, the Dyrus only made matters worse. The assault was a driving force, the injection needed to breathe new life into the minds of Materian engineers. So they rebuilt the factories of Dulne Harbour and made sure to reinforce them with the Essenbrand Armour Plating once it was ready.

Cover image: Main World Banner by SunlanceXIII


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