
22-03-659 CO

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The motivation behind building Amalgia

The Scope


As with a lot of my writing, my main motivation for creating Amalgia is simply to have fun. I just really love going through the creative process!

In comparison to a couple of my other worlds, like Ma’rune or Osiron, Amalgia really is more of a side project. I got hit with the idea and decided to run with it - bet you guys know that feeling! But I’m really excited to see this side project through. Combining your typical fantasy and sci-fi vibes isn’t really something I’ve done before, so it’ll be an interesting challenge and hopefully I’ll be able to write some good, enjoyable content for it.

The goal of the project


When I started Amalgia, I didn’t really have an end goal in mind. It was just a world that I could mess around with, to scratch that world building when I was burnt out from writing for my other worlds.

Now though?

I’d be happy to have a setting that I could write a story or two in. In fact, I’ve already got some story beats in mind, but it’ll be a while before anything comes from those. I want to make sure I’ve got some world building ground rules set out first - although I’ve no doubt that when I eventually do start writing those stories, I’ll probably end up breaking a few of those rules.

Build up and expand on the important details of the setting

Outline, draft, and release a story (or series!) set in Amalgia

Amalgia's Unique Selling point

Personal Selling Point

For me, how things interact with the world and the people in it is one of the most important parts of world building (and writing). What does that mean for Amalgia?

The world is in disarray from a fairly recent catastrophe. A land of advanced science and technology has been merged with a more stereotypical fantasy land with access to magic. That changes things. Changes people, or the landscape, or the way the world works as a whole.

Exploring that, both in my world building and those future stories, is what makes the whole thing appealing to me.