Myron Thorne

Prof. Myron Thorne

I was born in Scirne in the year 603 of the True Light (TL) into a noble family, I, Myron Thorne, distinguished myself from a young age with an innate talent for magic and an insatiable curiosity towards the unknown. Raised in an environment of privilege and knowledge, I was drawn from an early age to the mysteries that lay beyond visible reality.   My education took a decisive turn when I enrolled at the Royal Institute of Arcane Studies and Occult Sciences in Scirne. There, I was introduced to Sciomancy, the arcane and almost forgotten art of shadow study. This discipline, with its enigmatic facets and promises of hidden knowledge, captured my imagination, and I delved deeply into the study of this field.   After completing my studies, I remained at the Institute as a professor of Occultism. However, my insights into Sciomancy brought me into conflict with other academics. During these years, I wrote the first version of my treatise "On the Nature and Communication of Shadows," which was unfortunately censored by the Academy for its radical theories and unorthodox view of magic.   My academic career took a severe blow following a tragic accident during a magical experiment, which resulted in the death of another professor. Due to this event, and the alleged violation of the ethical code, I was expelled from the Academy along with a colleague.   With my reputation compromised and the doors of an academic career closed, I decided to travel overseas, landing in Honadir in the year 630 VL. Here, I reinvented myself as a cartographer, exploring the regions near the city and earning esteem for my exceptionally high-quality maps, in addition to offering my services as a personal guide.   I settled in King's Square, where I continued to cultivate my friendship with Pascal de la Martin. Those who have met me report that, despite the change in life, I have never completely lost my interest in Sciomancy. I continue to discuss it occasionally and dedicate time to my treatise, convinced that within it lie the keys to a deeper understanding of the magical world of Yesod and universal truths.   copyright Alfogator


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