

The world of Yesod, the so-called etheric plane, which is not at all etheric in the common sense of the word, is a parallel plane of existence that coexists with the ordinary reality. It is also a state of consciousness different from the ordinary one. It is sometimes symbolized by Levinah (the moon), sometimes by the color purple, indigo, and in some traditions by citrine speckled with blue. In it exist and move all creatures and things of ordinary reality. Living beings with blood, however, usually appear faded in color, as if the colors of their skin, hair, and even the objects they carry were in pastel shades, and not in their original colors from ordinary reality. Moreover, in Yesod exist entities that can only be perceived by those who are on this plane. Among these are the Elementals, and other beings that scholars call larvae. Generally, a larva is a creature created as a result of the constant repetition of an intense thought fueled by a particular passion, a bad habit, or other flaws of a living person on the material plane. A person on the material plane can thus inadvertently create a larva on the plane of Yesod, through intense thought activity as described above. To survive, the larva must feed on the "substance" from which it was created, that is, from that type of passion, habit, flaw. For this reason, it infests its creator, the one who generated it and can transfer to other subjects, like a flea or a tick. It feeds on the substances that are secreted on the plane of shadows by the person who on the material plane harbors the repetitive thought, emits the particular passion, or carries out the defect that created it. When feeding on someone on the plane of shadows, it is visible, on the same plane, as a kind of huge larva or tick made of a swollen belly with its head inside the body of the victim it feeds on. This is because the nourishment is secreted, that is, the result of the secreting, internal to the victim, who on the material plane harbors the repetitive thought, emotion, or faulty action. The larva has a strong instinct for self-preservation. On the sacred path, a strongly developed larva is generally a very difficult obstacle to overcome.   The larvae of the deceased that manage to survive the death of the physical bodies of their hosts, especially those who were most attached to materiality, seek to insinuate themselves into the unstable psyche of living people who generate the type of thought, emotion, or flaw that created them.   Those who travel on the plane of Yesod are generally ignored by the larvae, but the greatest dangers for them are due to those larvae that have evolved into vampires. The vampires of the shadow plane are the larvae that have encountered creatures called Elemental Spirits (or Elementals) belonging to the four elemental forces, which, by penetrating the shell of the larva, merge with them creating a third autonomous being, with its own individuality and volition, with a MORTAL LIFE, and thus with the need to CONTINUOUSLY FEED ON ENERGY: they are protouman shells that feed on energy to remain "alive". These astral vampires pose a threat to those they encounter on the plane of shadows. For a more in-depth discussion of larvae see the sidebar and larvae of yesod.   The most famous living scholar of Yesod, is professor Myron Thorne.


In the mysterious and often unexplored Plane of Yesod, entities known as Larvae exist. These unique creatures are a direct product of the psychic activity of the inhabitants of the material plane. Their existence is intrinsically linked to the nature of thoughts, passions, and vices of living individuals. The creation of a Larva is an involuntary phenomenon, stemming from the constant repetition of an intense thought, fueled by a particular passion, a bad habit, or other flaws. Nourishment and Survival of the Larvae A Larva feeds exclusively on the same "substance" that generated it. This symbiotic bond creates a perpetual cycle in which the Larva infests its creator, drawn and sustained by the type of psychic energy that triggered its birth. In the Shadow Plane, these entities become visible when feeding, manifesting as huge larvae or ticks with swollen bellies, symbolically anchored to their hosts.  
Larvae and the Deceased In a particularly macabre and fascinating aspect, the larvae of the deceased, especially those tied to individuals strongly attached to materiality during their lives, seek to insinuate themselves into the psyches of living people. This interaction underscores the powerful connection between the two planes and the weight of human passions and vices that transcend even death.   Evolution of the Larvae: The Vampires of the Shadow Plane An even more unsettling phenomenon occurs when larvae encounter and merge with entities known as Elemental Spirits, belonging to the four elemental forces (earth, water, air, fire). This fusion gives rise to a new entity: a vampire of the Shadow Plane. These vampires are characterized by a "mortal life," an existence that requires a constant nourishment of energies. They are protuhuman shells that feed on vital energy to remain "alive," representing a significant threat to anyone they encounter on the Shadow Plane.   Psychic and Spiritual Implications These Shadow Plane entities embody the power and consequences of human emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Their existence and nature directly reflect the deep psychology of their creators. Their presence in the Shadow Plane serves as a constant reminder of the disruptive force of thought and emotions in the astral world. This connection not only creates instant links with different vibrational spheres and entities but can also attract individuals into specific situations, both beneficial and dangerous.   Considerations for Travelers of the Shadow Plane For travelers venturing into the Yesod, understanding and awareness of these entities are crucial. While normal larvae may generally ignore travelers, the vampires of Yesod pose a real danger. These travelers must be equipped with adequate knowledge and tools, such as creating a "mahavirupa," an illusory astral body, to protect themselves from these astral vampires. Their presence underscores the importance of traveling with caution and preparation in the spirit world.   The larvae and vampires of Yesod are powerful and terrifying manifestations of human psychic energies. Their existence and interaction with the material plane offer a fascinating and unsettling glimpse into the nature of the human being and the invisible consequences of our deepest thoughts and desires. These entities not only influence the fabric of Aglarion's reality but also serve as a mirror to the human soul, reflecting our vices, passions, and fears in ways that are as terrible as they are fascinating.


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