
Nahuaele, the most eminent architect of the First Era, is said to rest in the same tomb as Adonia, the favored son of Eleazel. His epitaph, inscribed with reverence and awe, reads:   "Here lies Nahuaele, Master of Stones and Dreams, Supreme Architect, whose vision transcended the heavens. In every vault, in every stone of this sacred place, echoes the depth of his genius, immortal and profound.   Nahuaele, beloved of Eleazel, Lord of Creation, with his hands crafted worlds, with his spirit elevated realms. His artistry was not merely in walls and arches, but in hopes and dreams, woven into the fabric of time.   His life was a song, a melody of stone and light, each line, each curve, a hymn to the glory of Eleazel. In his heart, a blazing fire of creativity, in his works, the very breath of life.   In this sacred rest, Nahuaele sleeps, but his legacy endures in every corridor, in every hall. For Eleazel, he built a temple of wonders, and for us, he left a path to the eternal.   Farewell, Nahuaele, Architect of Eternities. In your repose, find the peace you bestowed upon those fortunate enough to know you in life. Your spirit dances among the stars, and your name, forever, will be blessed."  
In the annals of Agland's lore, it is whispered that within the sealed Boundary Stone Halls, dedicated to Adonia, the favored son of Eleazel, lies a chamber that cradles the final rest of Nahuaele, the preeminent architect of the First Era. This chamber, untouched and unseen since the burial of Adonia, is said to harbor a marvel of artistry and spiritual significance—a mosaic floor that embodies the symbolic enlightenment of Nahuaele by the angel Lumiriel. Yet, this narrative remains steeped in the realm of belief, for no eye has beheld the chamber's interior since the doors were sealed, shrouding its truths in mystery. According to legend, this mosaic is a masterpiece, meticulously crafted to depict the momentous encounter between Nahuaele and Lumirel, where divine light and inspiration were bestowed upon the mortal architect. Imagined to be radiant with celestial hues and intricate designs, the mosaic is believed to illustrate Lumireel's wings enveloping Nahuaele, signifying the imparting of heavenly wisdom and the transformation of his creative vision.


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