Saint Groelio

Saint Groelio was born into a family of clockmakers, his destiny seemingly written among gears and hands, in Agland during the Third Era. He became not just a master clockmaker but also an inventor, an engineer, and a wise mentor to many. His life took a pivotal turn during a journey when he encountered a community in distress in the Petra mining district, due to the collapse of a bridge. Groelio did not merely draft plans for a new bridge but also led its construction, imparting the necessary skills for its maintenance. This act of kindness marked the beginning of his legend. Over the years, Groelio traveled across Agland, spreading knowledge and enhancing people's lives through engineering and craftsmanship. His fame grew not only because of his skills but also due to his dedication to teaching others, enabling communities to thrive independently. The achievements attributed to Saint Groelio include the creation of a dam that saved a town from flooding and the construction of a hospital that withstood an earthquake. However, his greatest miracle was considered his last: the creation of a grand sundial that, it is said, measured not only time but also the seasons and tides, a symbol of his devotion to The Master. Saint Groelio died peacefully in his workshop, surrounded by his tools and drawings. He was canonized for his life of service and for his role in improving society through the sharing of knowledge and craft skills. His image and story are carved on a bronze door of the temple of the Master in Honadir, serving as a lasting testament to his legacy and the impact of his work on the world of Agland.
Saint Groelio's deeds were collected in a manuscript posthumous to his death by his first pupil, Joachim Berat.


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