The Master

The Cult of the Master: The Archangel of Applied Knowledge and Craftsmanship

The Master is one of the eight Archangels venerated in Agland, embodying the essence of divine emanation of applied knowledge, craftsmanship, building, and the fundamental principles of civilization. He is the patron of those who create with their hands, from artisans to builders, symbolizing the importance of completed work and accomplishment. The devotional practices of the Master's cult focus on the value of labor, the importance of using knowledge for practical applications, and the respect for craftsmanship. His priests and followers promote excellence in craftsmanship, encouraging dedication, precision, and creativity in manual work. The Master serves as a guide for those who build and maintain the foundations of society.   Priests of the Master are often master craftsmen or skilled engineers themselves, sharing their knowledge and guiding others in refining their abilities. They are also custodians of traditional techniques, ensuring that craft skills are passed down through generations. This stewardship helps preserve the cultural heritage of Aglarion, fostering a continuous evolution of craft and innovation within the framework of established traditions.
The symbols associated with the Master include tools of the trade such as hammers, chisels, compasses, and squares, as well as representations of buildings and structures. These symbols are commonly found in the workshops of artisans and in places of worship dedicated to the Master, serving as a constant reminder of the Archangel's presence and guidance in the work of his followers.   The Cult of the Master underscores the vital role of craftsmanship and construction in advancing civilization and societal progress. By venerating the Master, believers are encouraged to value and support the arts and manual skills as essential components of Aglarion's culture and identity. This reverence for the act of creation not only honors the Master but also elevates the status of artisans and builders in society, recognizing them as key contributors to the common good and the advancement of civilization.   Through worship and dedication to the Master, the faithful are reminded of the intrinsic value of their work and the importance of contributing their skills for the betterment of society. The Cult of the Master thus champions the ethos of craftsmanship, innovation, and the application of knowledge, celebrating these as divine gifts and fundamental to the enrichment and progression of Agland. One of the most famous followers of Archangel is Saint Groelio, and his deeds were collected in a manuscript posthumous to his death by his first pupil, Joachim Berat.
The main doors of the Master's Cathedral in Honadir.
Religious, Cult
A bas-relief dedicated to Saint Groelio in the Cathedral of the Master in Honadir.


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