Call of the Gods II: Trial of the Champions

Cultural event


A new Guardian will be chosen for Aeos Island. The Gods have brought forth The Wise, the Bountiful, and the Undying to vie for this position. The Houses must choose a side.

The Call

  A soft humming could be heard emanating from the Temple. Inside, the Prophets Leara and Arael prayed to the Gods, calling for guidance. A single candle was lit at the altar of each Aspect, flickering their light against the Temple walls. A sudden breath of air swirled inside the room and all but three went out. Arael gazed upon the remaining candles and spoke aloud, “Indulgence, Moderation, and Wrath. Is this who they want us to find?”   “I see them,” Leara turned her blind eyes toward her brother. “I see their names: The Bountiful, The Wise, and The Undying.”   “We must call the Blood Priestess and prepare for the Houses,” Arael answered.    

The Call is answered

  Once again, Aeos Island welcomed the Houses of Ambria to its shores.     Dorrum The Wise sage, Lady Eliriel The Bountiful, and mysterious The Undying introduced themselves to the Houses and called for aid. Each of them would need a Champion to represent them, and to bring followers to their cause. The Gods would award favour to the Guides for tasks these followers would do.   The first day was a rush of activity as the three Guides set tasks to determine their Champion.   The Bountiful's first activity was a series of games. Though many were distrustful of her powers, the games were simply that - just games. And only one person died. Those who wished to prove themselves to Lady Eliriel entertained her first with a word finding game, then a battle of egg/chicken/dinosaur/monkey/Ambrian, then an agility boxing match, then a shoe toss game and finally a game of coits. The winner of each of the 5 games were allowed to move on to the next task. For this, the Bountiful entrusted her candidates to track down her lost precious tokens, which had been scattered when she came through her Gateway. They spent the day searching and collecting and finally, two people brought them all back to her. The Bountiful explained to the first candidate that to be her Champion they must give up all titles, ranks, wealth and possessions - including weapons and shields. And in return they would share in all her power. Tempted as they were, the first candidate could relinquish all but one title. The Bountiful was not pleased, and sent for the second candidate. This one - En, of the Eldar - willingly pledged himself to the Bountiful and gave everything to her. In return, they and their followers would be granted extra boons and buffs in the following days.   The Wise's first task was a series of riddles and tests, and the answers lay with inhabitants of the island. The Blood Priestess, the Prophet, Trell, as well as old man Arthur and the Wizard gave different riddles or puzzles to all who asked and some were harder than others. Once all five had been answered, or as many as could be done, the candidates returned to Dorrum. Only some impressed him enough to continue. For the second task, the Candidates had to venture around Aeos in search of his Meditation Spots - each placed at ley line attuned to the six elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Wood, and Metal. At each of these spots, a scroll could be found with a parable about Dorrum's life. Without taking it or copying it down the candidate had to return to the Wise and answer questions about its contents. Three candidates satisfied Dorrum's questions and were asked to play a game of Nim. Only one player could win. X, of the Seekers of the Hidden, was pronounced Champion and blessed as a level 4 healer with extra Mage spells - but only defensive spells could be used and no harm could be done for the event.   The Undying's first task was a series of duels held in the arena in town. One handed, two handed, ranged, and daggers were set upon each other, while a game of quarto was played for those less violently inclined. The winners of each were asked to bring her two vials that had been stolen. Four thugs, jealous ex-lovers of the Undying were loitering around town and had run off with them. And they did not make the hunt very easy. Finally, the two vials were returned to the Undying and she poured them evenly into two goblets. The Undying drank one goblet of this poisonous concoction and asked her candidates to do the same. In doing so, they would die permanently at the end of the event if she did not become the next Guide, but until then they would be immune from the Blood Priestess' book. It was X of the Pirateers who drank the posion and sealed his fate as Champion.   And so it was that three Champions of the Guides began their journey. The next two days were filled with tasks that would take the Champions and their followers

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