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Human Lore

One of the ten primary species that can be found on Gelrick, Humans are the ones who have built the majority of things on the continent of Gelrick.

No Darkvision.


     The Humans have perhaps one of the most turbulent histories of all of the races. They have gone through the highest of highs, and have been dredged up in slavery, and have at one point, if the accounts are all true, faced a real threat of extinction. It all began with the creation. Sources vary on how the humans were created, as essentially, there are two schools of thought; among the forces of men, it is believed for the most part that The Dark One was the one to create the Humans, as He did all the races of this world, and therefore mankind would be shaped from darkness, and would inherently be dark, or the draconic races seem to believe that after the Dragon Lords created the world, the Humans, and all non-draconic races formed by accident upon the surface. With either origin, it would seem that humans have received the worst of the batch, as nearly all of the other races created at that time, again, according to the various sources, have longer natural lifespans than the humans, but that seems to have encouraged the humans to build at a greater rate so that they could accomplish all the things that the other races would in their long lifetimes. The only races that would have had a similar lifetime to humans that early humans would have interacted with is the Orcs, and due to this, there is a long history of human and orc societies forming treaties of peace and trade.

     Among the most interesting developments among the human race is shortly after the event known as The Binding, the Humans and Orcs, who were on shaky alliance to fight against the Elves, who were beginning to use their longevity as an advantage in combat to train three times as much as any human or orcish fighter. The two armies therefore fought together to drive off the elves, and the elves departed by sea, and were not seen again in those lands for a long time. We know now with the lens of history that the elves simply returned to their ancestral home on the island of Senendial.

     After their successful military campaign with the orcs, the humans and the orcs separated again into two nations, and while the orcs clung to the old ways, the humans began to follow the recently developed Church of the Defender, or the armory, as we call them in these current times. It was also around this time that the Dwarves were forced from their underground kingdoms due to the surge of monsters down there, as well as hostile sentient races that didn't like the Dwarves, so the dwarves, with nowhere else to go, decided to unite themselves with, and live with the humans. From that time there were many inter-racial relations, and that is where the halfling people come from today. The humans now had a large boost to their populations, and their cities began to be even more industrious, and the city of Shaduit was founded, and from that founding, the humans began to experiment with The Conduit, finding many uses for its mysterious abilities.

     From their findings in using the Conduit, the first lycanthropes were made, and at first, it was a highly sought after ability, as there had not yet been a blood moon since their creation. There also were a great many mages who emerged during this time; among the most significant being Caldura the Kind, Grethwell Sakaran, and Brimdan Silverwest. All three of whom were members of the very first Cinereal Circle. For a more detailed record of their achievements, see the many books on them. The humans from this point began to grow confident in their capabilities, and from their perspective, even the mighty dragons that would soar overhead were no match for them with all of their weaponry that they had developed. The true reason the dragons only flew over and never attacked, again, according to the accounts, was because of the coalition that the Nine Great Dragons had formed with the forces of man due to the heroic actions of Gelrath the Pure. Gelrath the Pure travelled up and down the ancient Sylvric Empire, helping all he could, and then time came that the humans wanted to test their might to their fullest. They sent Gelrath the Pure to the Gelid Lands, where teh coallition of the Nine Great Dragons was located. He entered the coalition, and slew Sal'tuthor, Yeshun'kar, and Aw'salith, only to be slain by Urun'degal. The dragons were so angered by this, that they flew across the Sylvric Empire; burning all cities, villages, and towns that they came across, and all except for a small number of the forces of men laid dead across the land, and thus began the Dark Age of Men. The forces of men endured this hardship for five generations, during which time they were able to rebuild some of their societal structure, and were even able to mend the grand castle at Shaduit.

     The time came when the dragons suddenly disappeared, with no trace or clue as to where they had gone, so the humans got to work, as they seemingly have all throughout history. They rebuilt, and within a few years, they established a new empire, with the capitol being at the city of Shaduit. This new empire being called the Fesden Empire. It reigned across the continent for one-hundred and thirty-one years, until the Sundering occurred. For more detail on The Sundering, seek sources elsewhere.

Less than a century.
Average Height
Can range from just 5 feet tall to well over 6 feet tall, exceptions do occur.
Average Weight
114 lbs to somewhere around 250 lbs. Again, outliers do occur.

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