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The Brawen Family is Established

Diplomatic action


The creation and lineage of the Brawen Family.

A headstrong elf named Marti'luia had done his best to keep a collection of elves and half-elves safe within the Wild Woods during The Destruction. Afterwards he was informally in charge as a champion and defender, and began a furious campaign against the forces of The Destruction, who grew close to destroying or inhabiting his forest.   Marti'luia set up a band of watchmen from his friends and allies. As his long-time friends, Marti’luia named the houses Pulla and Nital his loyal allies in his attempts to keep the forest safe. After his house was in order, the new lord married the human girl Luna Kina, and ushered in an age of protection sorely desired by his subjects.   His two half-elven sons, Franica and Illthias learned all they could from their father, and he raised them as equals. When the Lord reached the age of 721, he passed away peacefully, leaving his oldest son, Franica in charge of the house in the year 2478.   Born into a peaceful age, Franica always desired the chance to prove himself, and defended his realm with a passion that often inspired his men. It was often joked that his throne did little more than gather dust in his reign, as he was such an involved lord when it game to his defenses. He was a capable warrior, though he was slightly less prepared for a time of peace and politics and the Wild Woods took little action in the surrounding world.   Most notably in his political moves was being officially made into a lord by King Peter in 2532. At the uniting of Tera'tun House Brawen was formally established as the ruler of the Wild Woods territory.   Lord Franica preached his father’s ideals of respect and honor. This led to the exploration of several of their own natural talents, especially their elven connection to the magic of the fey wilds and how it affected the forest around them. Because of this, the forest thrived under his reign. His time was ended at the age of 132 when he was slaughtered by the Yuan-ti, Ahluis in the darkened shadows of the forest.   His elder son, Ola’mal, refused the throne to seek revenge on Ahluis, and Kar’lum Brawen took over the land in his brother’s place at 102. He and his wife, Tillia, ran the realm under a more fluent system of government than had previously been in place. Kar’lum was thought by some to be a falling from his grandfather, although his reign saw many advances in the kingdom. It was during this time that the elven talents for singing creations from the world became noted by outsiders and trade began to take place.   He passed away peacefully at the age of 192, leaving behind his three children. Kulla, Stella’le, Ne’narl. His elven wife greatly outlived him, and saw over the lives of her children, staying with the last of her living offspring.   Lord Kulla took the throne at age 33, and had the shortest and most horrible reign in House Brawen’s short history. He was bloodthirsty and power hungry, declaring his kingdom as the true ruler of Tera’tun. His five-year reign was marked with betrayal and death and the loss of many of their outer allies. As he began to prepare his army to siege the rest of the country, he was killed by his sister. She never ended up being punished for her betrayal of her brother and king, given her heart bled for her people, but neither could she assume any place in the royal considerations.   Lord Harald spent most of his reign attempt to repair the horribly shattered image of the Brawen Family. He dismantled what remained the standing army and spent much of the Kingdom’s resources assisting other Kingdoms and the smaller lands surrounding the forest. As such he gain a few loyal bannermen, but overall the family was regarded with suspicion and even open contempt by many of the other head families. This came a rather nasty end when the Brawen Family in its entirety was killed by the Fox Queen for refusing to bend the knee.

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