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Established History of Tera'tun

As a land, Tera'tun is rumored to have been founded in 9,214 SM. However it only really has a recorded history after the year 203 FM.

Four Moons

The Second Age of Amicis, which was signified by the splitting of the moon into four.

  • 203 FM

    224 FM

    The War of Four
    Military: War

    The war between the four generals that signifies the recorded founding of Tera'tun. The four fought and tried to take over one another's territory for over twenty years.

  • 224 FM

    10 Sunnet
    225 FM

    4 Ria

    The Unending Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    The necrotic actions of Nummer Kalla who nearly brought Tera'tun under his sole control. This ended the War of Four by its own necessity.

  • 1342 FM

    2 Wallen

    House Collwell is Founded
    Diplomatic action

    The founding and linage of the Collwell Family

  • 2050 FM

    8 Ria
    2693 FM

    3 Kennal

    The Brawen Family is Established
    Diplomatic action

    The creation and lineage of the Brawen Family.

  • 2219 FM

    14 Undat
    2219 FM

    17 Undat

    The Destruction
    Disaster / Destruction

    A great wave to death that swept over much of the world, only being avoided by a select few groups who saw the celestial warnings.

  • 2285 FM

    12 Wallen

    The Stonebreak Family Finds Power
    Political event

    The Rage of the gods falls to the responsibility of the Stonebreaker Family.

  • 2510 FM

    2 Pella
    2532 FM

    11 Undat

    The War of Roses
    Military: War

    The Rise of Venus the Unwithered and her attempt to take over Tera'tun.

  • 2532 FM

    11 Undat

    The Riverwoods are Crowned

    The Riverwood family, led by Peter Riverwood, seized power and sat upon the Silver Chair and created the territories.

  • 2532 FM

    13 Undat

    The Doxy Family is Formed
    Political event

    The formation and lineage of the Doxy Family

  • 2541 FM

    12 Innato

    The Gaster Family is Established
    Political event

    The formation and lineage of the Gaster Family

  • 2557 FM

    11 Wallen

    The Licht Family is Formed
    Political event

    The formation, revamping and lineage of the Licht Family.

  • 2594 FM

    16 Aranat

    The Tàlma Family is established
    Political event

    The Tàlma comes to power in Ninetta.

  • 2600 FM

    1 Wallen

    The Eviers take control of the Krag'nak Range
    Political event

    The rise and lineage of the Eviers

  • 2601 FM

    7 Innato

    The Hope Family finds Power
    Political event

    The formation and lineage of the Hope Family

  • 2608 FM

    12 Ria

    The Whitehills take Power in Dragontongue
    Political event

    The people of Dragontongue find a new leader in the form of the Whitehill Family

  • 2624 FM

    1 Aranat

    The Recorded History of the Northalls

    While it is likely incomplete, this is the history such as it exists of the Northall Family.

  • 2642 FM

    10 Sunnet

    The Moonstars are Established
    Political event

    The Riverwoods reward the Moonstars with their own family and land.

  • 2666 FM

    10 Tellaphat

    The Moonless Night
    Disaster / Destruction

    On a night when no moon shown in the sky entire families were slaughtered.

  • 2669 FM

    13 Kennal

    The Ofeld Family Find Power
    Political event

    The Ofeld Orcs take power in the Frozen Wastes

  • 2692 FM

    14 Marr

    Christina Woodway takes power
    Political event

    The new leader of Lothel comes to power