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The Brawen Family

The Brawens are composed primarily of elves and half-elves who ran the area of the Wild Woods in Tera'tun from 2050 to 2963 of the second age. Having recently found themselves in an unfavorable position with many of the other families due to the attempted takeover by Kulla Brawen in 2652, their most recent lord: Harald spent much of his time attempting to reach a form of diplomatic peace with their neighbors, the other lords, and bannermen. As such, they had a relatively small military force and are far more focused on personal expression, magic, and the arts.


Like most of the royal families, the Brawens leadership went to the oldest surviving son. If there was no male heir, it would then pass to the nearest male relative.


As they were primarily a long-lived race within a highly magical forest, the Brawens spent much of their time focused on their own self-expression and sharing in the natural magic of the land they inhabit. While they are not blind to the risks in the world around them, they prefer to focus on arts and happiness. They hold a strong belief in the sacred power of nature and don't hold to the idea of aggressive expansion or damaging the world around them carelessly.   There are many small guilds within the forest, each adhering to their own rules and behaviors. The most notable are the Lunari, who were on good terms with the Brawens.

Public Agenda

Their history is complicated being both an older family and near the middle of Tera'tun. They began by aggressively protecting their boarders until the crowning of the Riverwoods in 2510 FM. From there they were relatively withdrawn and isolated until the their attempted coop in 2652 by Kulla Brawen. After his murder, they've attempted to repair their poor standing with the other lords and ladies with mixed results. This continued up until they were burned to death by the Fox Queen in 2693 for refusing to bend the knee to her.


The Wild Woods bears a raw magic and energy that few lands in the world might offer. The Brawens were also especially skilled craftsmen, though they refused to employ their efforts into making tools of war after Lord Kulla's attempted coop. The woods themselves are confusing and it is easy to become lost if visitors refuse to stick to the roads.


Lord Marti’ Luia, an elf founded the family at the age of 293 in 2050 and ruled until his death at the age of 721 in 2478 having ruled for 428 years. He married the human girl Luna Kina, who bore him two half-elven sons, Franica and Illthias.   Lord Franica, the half-elf began his rule in 2478 at the age of 37 and ruled until his death in 2562 at 132. He married the half-elf Lucia, who produced three children: Ola’mal, Kar’lum, and Nella.   Lord Kar’lum, the half-elf began his rule in 2562 at the age of 102, and ruled until 2652 when he died at the age of 192. He married the elf Tillia, who bore three children. Kulla, Stella’le, Ne’narl.   Lord Kulla, the half-elf took the throne in 2652 at the age of 33 and ruled until he was killed in 2657 at the age of 38. He never married and left no heirs.   Lord Harald, the half-elf was put in charge in 2657 at the age of 76, and ruled until his murder in 2693 at the age of 112. He, his wife the elf Katherine, and his three children: Regald, Margret, and Lucas were all killed on the same day he was, ending the family line.


Spurred on by the Lunari, especially their leader Vulcan, they believed that the group later known as the Water Wigglers was not responsible for King Markus' murder at his wedding. They understood that the Fox Queen was responsible for the murders and were burned to death by her and her knights when they refused to bend the knee to her.

Horns and Hearts

2050 FM - 2693

Political, Family
Alternative Names
The Fairest Family
Bastards use the name Hooves

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