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The Licht Family is Formed

Political event


The formation, revamping and lineage of the Licht Family.

As ruthless as he was intelligent, Gerald was famous in his day for having bankrupted the ruling family in Gallat at the time--the Hallows--and giving them no other option but to surrender their keep, lands, and titles to him. Flushed with success, he quickly married and had a single son, whom he devoted his entire life to and focused on to the exception of all else.   Gerald was a ruthless business man and employed equally ruthless men. After he had bankrupted and taken of The Hallows' land, Licht went to King Peter and informed him calmly, cooly, that he would be taking care of the Gallat territory. No one questioned his claim.   His son, Geralt Licht was an extremely harsh and unfeeling man. He was often nicknamed the Man of Ice, due to his complete lack of love, empathy, hatred or even disgust. Rather, he viewed the world as if were nothing more than factual, and as such had a strange and often difficult to understand attitude towards both his subjects and his family.   For example, his kingdom flourished under his rule and he was always sure to help someone who was struggling. However, he barely shrugged at the death of his eldest son, Theldren, or the treatment of his youngest child, Kylie, or at the disownment and attempts to control his middle child, Peter. His life ended in the year 2626. While it's never been confirmed it’s suspected that the Assassin’s Hand had a part in his death.   The sole member of the family, Peter was a strange departure from his father and grandfather. Though he was not born to inherit, he was easily the most compassionate male in his family for three generations. His hard work and strong moral code allowed him to reach out to a few of the kings of Insulam, notably Ignatius the Crimson Wind the King of Seath and Darius Margraive the King of Hermus. With some help and advice of the kings, they brought the Licht name into a new age.   It was under Peter’s leadership that the Land of Gallat became neutral territory and place where any discussions or peace terms could be delivered without threat of death or betrayal. Never having a talent for double-talk or betrayal, Peter focused his lands into a place of honesty and fair treatment, even if it stunted his kingdom’s growth from time-to-time. At the time of his death, his daughter, Talia, overtook the family name and title.   Lady Talia was a kind-hearted woman who was raised in the nicest land of the kingdom. So when her father died and she saw a glimpse of the world, it scared her, and she ended up barricading herself within her keep, and ruling without ever touching the world. Her meals were brought to her, and the public very rarely saw her. Instead her messages were delivered through various advisors. She was a kind woman, though often out of touch with the state of things. Luckily, she was aided by her husband, Armund.   After Talia's passing, their eldest child, Johann was instilled with a strong sense of justice and responsibility by both his mother and grandfather. Johann thirsted constantly for the chance to prove himself and found it. His lands were put to the test when a noble was murdered within his very hall by a poisoner, and Johann personally saw to the charge of catching and putting the assassin to justice in an effort to restore the trust in the Licht name. He was assisted by his bother Rex, and while his younger brother died in the hunt, they did catch the assassin who was publicly hanged.   Johann spent the next decade trying to set things right, but the politics always weighed hard on him and his ended up being stabbed to death by his assistant, who was truly on the side of another family, though they refused to say who. He was survived by his two children, Rachel and Cayden.   And so, in 2961, Lord Cayden took power. He was born being sheltered and protected by a great many people, and thus, grew up a coward. After his new position was awarded to him, he worked hard to become the leader his people needed. He speaks with the lord’s voice, but the boy has no knowledge of the greater world and having achieved the seat of power at 12, many still doubt him. He often seeks to become a hero, like the heroes of old, but clearly has little understanding of the suffering and trials such heroes suffer.

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