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The Licht Family

While a house that quickly became infamous for illegal and immoral trade, the Licht family was eventually redeemed, and while a history of strained family relationships seems practically genetic, they remain a family who believe in fairness and justice above all else. They are especially famous for their relatively recent morals, and their high demand of caliber.


Like most of the royal families, the Licht leadership went to the oldest surviving child. However, they do not object to female rulers. If there is no heir, it would then pass to the nearest relative.


Gallat is full of people who are expected to hold themselves to a high standard. Honesty and Righteousness are not only abundant, but expected. As such, some of the residents tend to think very highly of themselves, especially in comparison to other families and lands. However, the idea of true and honest justice is strong instilled in many of the residents, and as such, it has a lower crime presence than many of the major lands.

Public Agenda

The Lichts, not unlike the Brawens, work hard to throw off the shackles of their ancestors and make great efforts to show their true colors are bright, often dealing with criminals harshly and re-enforcing the idea of justice.


Gallat is home to many traders and craftsmen, but arguably they have two great assets. The first is their heavily guarded and warded hall where arguing parties may meet without fear of being hurt or killed, and secondly is their location, being directly in the center of the kingdom.


Lord Gerald began his rule in 2557 at the age of 33 and ruled until his death in 2587 at 63. He married a human girl, Gwen and had a lone son named Geralt, human.   Lord Geralt ruled in 2587 at 29 and ruled until his death in 2626 at the age of 68. He married Alica, human and had three children by her: Theldren, Peter, and Kylie, all human.   Lord Peter ruled after his father, brother, and sister all died. He started in 2626 at the age of 36 and ruled until he died in 2664 at 74. He married Maria, human and had one child by her: Talia, a human.   Lady Talia was in power in 2664 at 37 and ruled until her death in 2677 at 50. She married Armund, a human and they had four children: Johann, Rex, Tabi and Percy. All human.   Lord Johann started his rule in 2677 at 27 and ruled until his death in 2691 at 41. He married a human girl, Nadeen. She bore his two children: Rachel and Cayden both human.   Lord Cayden took power in 2691 at 12 and has not yet married or claimed any heirs.

Let the Light Shine

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Dual-Faces
Bastards go by Light


Impressed with the determinations of the Hope Family, the Lichts have often sent soldiers and aid to the Shadowed Forest to help keep it under control, and therefore are on very good terms with the Hopes, even holding an unofficial alliance with them.

The Tàlma highly respect the Lichts as they have very strong beliefs and uphold the law as best they can. Ironically enough, this is the exact reason that the Lichts have a strong dislike of the Tàlma, because of their unusual behavior towards the law of the country.


The families hold a mutual respect built on their care for their respective citizens.


The Stonebreakers have long held a respect for the Lichts efforts to uphold an equal and just law, while the Lichts are very impressed by the skill of the Stonebreaker soldiers.


Being that both kingdoms emphasize the lives and happiness of their citizens, the Gasters and Lichts have a mutual respect for one another.


The Lichts and Riverwoods have a mutual respect and understanding of the importance of the law, and placing it above personal feelings and desires.

The Dead/Law

The Lights hold a respect for the Collwells, given the impossible task of preventing another necrotic takeover, and the Collwells have gained a great appreciation for the Lichts' recent approach to the law, being that they do not allow emotion or money to cloud their judgement.


The Doxys appreciate the care that the Lichts show their civilians, and admire the strength and resolve they show in their determination to rebrand themselves.

No Help/Law

The Lichts have come to have a strong distaste for the lord of the Krag'nak Range as he refuses to help the people of the shadowed forest or dragontongue. They view this as selfish and cold.   The Eviers pay the Lichts little thought, but do appreciate their efforts to run and effective and lawful kingdom.


The Underborne have a strong anger focused on the Licht family, as their high demands and expectations morally have made their efforts and practices difficult or often impossible. The Lichts dislike the Underborne for their strange and possibly illegal and immoral magic practices.

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