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The Riverwoods are Crowned



The Riverwood family, led by Peter Riverwood, seized power and sat upon the Silver Chair and created the territories.

After over two decades of pain and neglect caused during the War of Roses, Peter sat upon the Silver Chair and declared himself king of a newly united Tera'tun. This action helped unite the previously fractured and disjointed country.   He gathered the established lords and formalized their house, establishing territory lines and responsibilities. He worked to create trade routes and improve the relationships between the lords with a decent level of success.   While not all were in favor of this ascension and declaration, the popular view is that this was a wonderful moment in Tera'tun's history.   A young, but ambitious boy, Peter led the charge in the War of Roses that eventually overthrew the Knight of Nights and his followers. After over two decades of pain and neglect caused during the war, Lord Peter created and sat upon the Silver Chair. He declared himself king of a newly united Tera'tun. This action helped unite the previously fractured and disjointed country.   He gathered the leaders of the many different lands or talented individuals. He established lordships and formalized their houses, established territory lines and responsibilities. This process took two full weeks and many were frustrated but none could deny the fairness of the exchange. King Peter worked to create trade routes and improve the relationships between the lords of the different lands with a decent level of success. He also helped put forward the idea of a united Tera'tun towards the other nations. Solis and Merkart in particular began to take them very seriously in the matters of business and politics.   While not all were in favor of this ascension and declaration, the popular view is that this was a wonderful moment in Tera'tun's history. King Peter served faithfully and worked hard to ensure that those who survived the war had lands and families to look after. Historians consider him to be an even better king than he was a warrior. However, he was often thought of as ruthless where supporters of the Knight of Nights were concerned. He punished or even killed most of those who had assisted the Knight of Nights, even arrange public floggings and hangings.   After some time and peace, he married Lucia the Kind, and she gave him two sons: Yusif and Penett. Peter passed away one night in 2575 in front of the fireplace at the age of 65.   After the King's passing, Yusif as the first-born son answered the call of the High Throne. Having grown to the age of 30 and not known war, Yusif was a slightly more idealistic king than his father was. He led the Kingdom and their bannermen into growth and prosperity. It was he who began to practice of feasts and celebrations taking place in the capital cities, especially in Dominus Hall.   He managed his throne well and married Maria who bore him many children: Jenna, Sean, Earnest, Raynell and Theo. He died of a heart attack at age 88, and was morned by much of the world. There is some debate of what killed him due to the fact that his eldest son, Sean also died the same day.   The second son, King Earnest received the crown next. He was a poorly-tempered boy, due to the supposed murder of his father and brother. Earnest assumed the throne at 13 and swore revenge against those who killed his family. At age 22, he set out on a path of vengeance and anger, determined to prove the fault of the Allistors, who had been given the Dark Swamps at the time.   This accusation was not perhaps entirely unfounded, as the Allistors had always been vocally displeased with their land, feeling that it was lesser than any other. King Peter had often argued with the family over it, and those arguments continued into King Yusif's rule. In vengeance, he lead an attack on the swamps and murdered every surviving member of their family with the help of his friend, Wilhelm Moonstar, banishing them to be forgotten by all but The Channels of History.   He tried to settle down with his wife, Wendy the elf maiden and their daughter, Fran. However, he was overcome by doubt and regret for his anger and vengeance and ended up committing suicide at the age of 28.   As Raynell had died seven years before Earnest in the siege of the Dark Swamps, Theo received the kingship in 2648 as the last remaining child of Yusif and Maria. Theo assumed his father and his grandfather’s throne at the age of 25, and he drown himself in wine and whores during his lordship. While the kingdom had plenty of wealth to afford his vices, the land ultimately suffered slight losses under the rule of Theo. As the youngest son, he’d never been shown how to rule and having lost his entire family he merely attempted to drown his sorrows. He was known as the shadow or the absentee king.   The one notable achievement of his lordship was his marriage to Alissa of House Evier. Together, their houses managed to drive back the hungry advances of Lord Kulla Brawen when he attempt to claim the kingship of Tera'tun.   Their marriage, poor as it may have been, brought peace to the two houses, and Alissa birthed two children: Michael and Tessa. Their second son, Phillip, was stillborn. Years later they gave birth to Markus. Disgusted by his father’s marriage, Prince Michael renounced his birthright, passing it onto Markus and spent his years far from home. Theo died on the first of the new year in 2963.   Preparing to take over his house at age 25, Lord Markus aspired to be like the heroes of old and therefore was sometimes seen as being too gentle on thieves or lawbreakers. However, the people came to love him for his gentle heart. He was also determined that he spent dinner nowhere except in his family’s chambers with his wife: Rose, his two children: Christy and Jacob, and his mother. This was halted when just prior to his coronation, his wife died. This put off his proper crowning for two months until his new marriage to Keeva. His crowning was undoubtedly the shortest in history as he was killed on his wedding day by a group of adventurers who had befriended Michael.   Lady Keeva assumed her place on the Silver Chair and swore vengeance against all who had helped kill her new husband. She burned Michael's wife and children, and he only managed to escape with his niece, Christy. The King's son, Jacob was trampled to death during the panic of the wedding.

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