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The Riverwood Family

A large family that consists primarily of humans, they do contain many other races due to marriages and alliances. For the past four generations, they have held The Tower, and are considered to be as hard and stubborn as even the dwarves. They do not rush into decisions, but rarely if ever change their minds once a decision has been made. Nevertheless, they have proved to be capable leaders of the kingdom and their lands.


Like most of the royal families, the Riverwood leadership went to the oldest surviving son. If there was no male heir, it would then pass to the nearest male relative.


The Tower is a grand and sprawling city landscape with a great many tall towers and man-made walls and structures. It is considered by some to be the pinnacle of culture and order. Nevertheless, it is rife with corruption and darker organizations. It is a favorite land for merchants, traders, and families seeking safety from the wild beasts of the lands.

Public Agenda

The Tower is, in many ways, responsible for helping the other lands where they may need the assistance. While they do make the law and are not required to do anything they deem unfitting, it is expected for them to help lands that might be struggling with things like food, law, or economics with the country of Tera'tun. They also have a grand relationship with other countries like Solis or Merkart.


The Riverwoods have legal claim to any and all assets they have true need of, though lords may challenge or deny these claims if they feel they were an improper demand. Arugably their greatest asset is their close-woven relationship to the Evier Family.


King Peter claimed power in 2532 at 22, and ruled until his death in 2575 at 65. He married Lucia the Human, and she gave him two sons: Yusif and Penett, both human.   King Yusif took over in 2575 and ruled until his death in 2633 at 88. He married Maria the human who bore him many children: Jenna, Sean, Earnest, Raynell and Theo, all human.   King Earnest received kingship in 2633 at only 13, and ruled until his suicide in 2648 at 28. He married Wendy the Elf and she gave him a daughter: Fran a half-elf.   King Theo took the chair in 2648 at 28 until his death in 2693. He married Alissa Evier, a human. She birthed three children: Michael, Tessa, Phillip, and Markus, all human.   King Markus was crowned and killed on the same day at the age of 25 in 2693. He married Rose, a human. By her he had his two children: Christy and Jacob, both human.

Solid as Steel

Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Royals
Bastards go by Steele


The Eviers and Riverwoods are very closely linked due to the marriage of Alissa Evier to King Theo Riverwood.

The Stonebreakers have long held a respect for the Riverwoods efforts to uphold an equal and just law, while the Riverwoods are very impressed by the skill of the Stonebreaker soldiers.


While the Riverwoods are fairly neutral towards the Tàlma, the dark elves appreciate the Riverwoods for running the kingdom effectively.


Given their long-standing relationship, especially regarding dangers, the Riverwoods and Underborne have a deep appreciate for their efforts in different areas.

The Dead/Law

The Collwells and Riverwoods have often gotten on well, due to both of them abiding to their respective duties and fulfilling their jobs fairly well, allowing the country they both share to function well.


The Lichts and Riverwoods have a mutual respect and understanding of the importance of the law, and placing it above personal feelings and desires.


While the Woodways hold a passing respect for the Riverwoods for upholding a country, the Riverwoods find it impressive all that Lady Woodway has done to care for her people.

No Help

The Hopes bare a fair amount of resentment towards the Riverwoods for not assisting them much with their efforts to contain their forest.


While the Doxy's feel an incredible debt and gratitude towards the Riverwoods for formalizing their family and granting a territory, the Riverwood family feels the Doxys might ill-suited to the job.

Odd/No Help

The Riverwoods are offset by the Northall Kenku who disapprove as the Riverwoods have no assisted the Hopes or the Whitehills as much as they should've.

Trial by Blood/Strength

While the Ofelds respect the strength of the Riverwood family, the Riverwoods are greatly bothered and disturbed by the Trial of Blood the orcs use as a legal system.

Old Relations

Despite the previous respect Lord Wilhelm held for the Riverwoods, he feels that the Fox Queen is and evil being and refuses to bend the knee. His biggest saving grace is that she feels he is too trivial to bother with.

No Help

The Whitehills hold a long-standing hate for the Riverwoods, feeling that the kingly family has merely left them to die in a land devoid of food or good resources.

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