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The Stonebreak Family Finds Power

Political event


The Rage of the gods falls to the responsibility of the Stonebreaker Family.

As one of the few leaders preceding the uniting of Tera'tun, Lord D’hurdrek Stonebreaker was awarded the power in The Rage of the gods in 2285. D'hurdrek was a strong-headed cleric. He followed the rules of the old gods to the letter. D’hurkrek was either a lucky fool or a pinnacle of discipline, depending on who you talk to. He led his family through the underdark from the Krag’nak Range to the Rage of the gods all based on his directions from the old gods, and while many of his flock died, he did eventually come across his promised island. Due to his eventual success, the family has refused to move ever since.   D'hurdrek died in his sleep and was burned in the volcano. Afterwards, his eldest Hubril took over the family's affairs. While an admirer of his father’s faith, Hubril was a more practically minded man and relied on his priests and others to keep his family in graces with the deities while he saw to the kingdom’s manners. 20 years into his reign, he was summoned to the uniting to Tera'tun and was offically given power by King Peter. This move displeased both many of his subjects and other members of his family, seeing as he allowed an outsider to dictate the rule of their people. He was often seen as an unbeliever, although he never agreed to such claims.   After Lord Hubril's death, his eldest son Barsean took over affairs.   Having often heard people questioning his father’s faith, Brarsean often prays, spending more time in the temple than he does in his royal chambers. He is a kind, though increasingly stressed lord. He is constantly at odds with the Collwells given their refusal to let the family despose of their own dead.

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