Bane of Apophis

The Bane of Apophis is a large battleaxe, decorated with gold and snake iconography. It is imbued with the firey power of Ra, and while it's origins are unknown, some sources claim it was gifted to the pharaohs by the god himself.   While documentation of its usage is scarce, it has been most recently been seen in the hands of Pharaoh Shadotep I in battles of great importance.   Recorded appearances include:
  • The final battle of the Great End War, c. 1402 CE.
  • The 13th Siege of Raskaria City, c. Fall 1484 CE.
  • Siege of Rome, c. Spring 1492 CE.
  • Siege of Thebes, c. Fall 1502 CE.
Item type
Unique Artifact
Current Location
Current Holder


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