New Memphis

New Memphis, the largest city in the world, is the capital city of the Idgypt and the Idgyptian Empire. It is the seat of administrative power and the location of the Royal Palace, home of the Pharaoh. New Memphis is also the home of the Machinist's Guild, and is rumored to be the base for the mysterious Hidden Ones. It is one of the cultural and economic hubs of Idgypt, with its location on the northern border giving it access to trade from several different nations in the north. Various temples and public works are located within the city. Despite it's size, it is only the second most populated city in the world, beaten by Raskaria City due to sheer population density.

Industry & Trade

Major Exports: Wheat, Sandstone, Gold, Dates, Artworks, Salt, Silver, Precious Stones, Jewelry, Copper, Valuable Goods, Religious Goods   Major Imports: Lumber, Iron, Steel, Nether Goods, Dyes

Guilds and Factions


  • New Memphis Map
    Map of the city of New Memphis
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Owning Organization
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