Shadotep I

Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Idgypt, ruler of the Idgyptian Empire

Physical Description

Body Features

He is a man of mixed-Idgyptian heritage, with brown skin and dark-brown hair.

Facial Features

On the left side of his face he has blue eyes, average features, short dark-brown hair and is well-shaven. The right side of his face is mechanical, dominated by the red lens that covers his right eye. Some reports claim that this lens glows slightly in the dark.

Identifying Characteristics

His most identifiable feature is the mechanical parts of his upper-right torso and face. These are made of an unknown grey metal with small hints of red, and his right eye is hidden behind a red lens.

Physical quirks

The right side of his body, from his face to his arm and torso, are mechanical.

Apparel & Accessories

He is typically seen in his royal regalia, including a Nemes-style headress, an ornate kilt, false beard, and various articles of gold jewelry inlaid with gems and precious stones. He also has other outfits for various rituals and military engagements.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Son of the late Amenophis III, Shadotep I is one of the greatest mysteries of Amospia. Despite being fully human (except for his mechanical parts) he has been Pharaoh of Idgypt for almost 500 years, without appearing to have aged a day. Very few know why this is, though it is believed to be related to his mechanical components. While his popularity has varied over the centuries, he is widely considered to be a fair and successful ruler, largely in part to his commitment to rebuilding Idgypt from the ashes of the Collapse.

Gender Identity

Cis-gendered Male


Heterosexual (though some believe him to be asexual, due to him never taking a queen or concubines)


He is one of the most well-educated people in Idgypt. Not only did he have access to the best teachers and archives throughout his life, but his extended lifespan has allowed him to learn much more than the average human has time to. However, most of this has been to better serve him as the Pharaoh of Idgypt, and he would definitely not consider himself a scholar in any sense.


He is the Pharaoh of Idgypt and ruler of the Idgyptian Empire. As such, he is also the head of the Idgyptian temple complex, the head of the Idgyptian military, and the primary judge of the Idgyptian judicial system.

Accomplishments & Achievements

1025 CE - Crowned Pharaoh of the Nile and King of Memphis.   1117 CE - Victoriously ends the War of the Five Nomes and signs the Nile Land Charter, crowned the first Pharaoh of a unified Idgypt in over 1600 years.   1402 CE - Victory in the Great End War.   1480 CE - Leads a victorious defense at the Battle of the Canal, the first major victory against the demon army.   1484 CE - Demon Lord Ubilaz defeated at the 13th Siege of Raskaria City.

Failures & Embarrassments

1075 CE - Orders the invasion of Raskaria, beginning the Memphis-Raskarian War.   1082 CE - Necrian forces destroy the last remnants of the city of Memphis.   1445 - 1465 CE - Gradually allows the Cult of Kosmos to gain influence over him and the royal court, forming a conspiracy against the UCB that nearly led to war between the two powers.

Mental Trauma

In 1018 CE, he mysteriously disappeared during a walk in the deserts around Memphis. He would not return until 1024, having the upper-right side of his body replaced with mechanical components. It is unknown what happened in the 6 years of his disappearance, though it is believed that he suffered some sort of trauma during this time.

Morality & Philosophy

He is generally considered to be a moral and just ruler, looking after the well-being of his people and acceptance of demihumans. He is not without his moral hangups however, with the use of prisoners as forced labor being a prime example.

Personality Characteristics


For nearly five centuries, his primary motivation has been to return Idgypt to it's former glory. While he has accomplished, or even surpassed this goal, he still feels that he has work to do.

Personality Quirks

Throughout his entire reign, he has never taken a queen or any concubines. This was primarily a concern during the early decades of his reign, as many nobles tried and failed to marry their daughters off to him. However, as he far-exceeded the normal human lifespan the nobles tried less and less, and eventually gave up altogether. It is unknown why Shadotep does this, with theories ranging from him wanting to find "true love", to not wanting familial competition for the throne, to him even being completely asexual.


Well-groomed, as per royal standards. His hair is kept short and his body is completely shaved, a common Idgyptian practice to prevent lice.


Family Ties

He is the only son of Amenophis III and Queen Hypatia, and is currently the only surviving member of the 49th dynasty. While he has a cousin named Elizabeth, though she left Idgypt shortly after Shadotep was crowned pharaoh. The location of any possible descendants of hers is unknown.

Religious Views

As the Pharaoh of Idgypt, he is also the head of the Idgyptian temple complex, serving as a link between the gods and the people.

Hobbies & Pets

While has no "pets" per se, he does have a favorite horse whom he calls Ambassador Neigh.



Royal Guardian (Vital)

Towards Shadotep I



Shadotep I

Pharaoh (Vital)

Towards Per-Ahmose




When Per-Ahmose is not on the battlefield, he is most often seen at Shadotep's side, and his chosen bodyguard.

Shared Secrets

Per-Ahmose is one of the few individuals who knows the secret of Shadotep's disappearance 1018 CE.

Koharu Okami

Friend (Important)

Towards Shadotep I



Shadotep I

Friend (Important)

Towards Koharu Okami




Koharu and Shadotep have been good friends for some time, and Shadotep considers her part of his inner circle.

Shared Secrets

Koharu is one of the few individuals who knows the secret of Shadotep's disappearance 1018 CE.


Spymaster (Vital)

Towards Shadotep I



Shadotep I

Pharaoh (Vital)

Towards Tekhanamun




As the Pharaoh's spymaster, Tekhanamun is a vital source of information

Shared Secrets

Tekhanamun is one of the few individuals who knows the secret of Shadotep's disappearance 1018 CE.

Wealth & Financial state

The vast wealth of the Idgyptian Empire is completely at his disposal. Officially, most farmland in Idgypt is owned by him.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Hor ka-nakht mery-Ra, sema-tawy, [Idgyptian], setep-en-Ra, sa-Ra, Shadotep mery-Amun
"Horus, the mighty bull, beloved of Ra, eternal in majesty, He of the Two Ladies, Uniter of the Two Lands, Horus of Gold, Divine of Appearence, The Dual King, chosen by Ra, son of Ra, Shadotep, beloved of Amun"
Pharaoh of Idgypt and ruler of the Idgyptian Empire.
Currently Held Titles
Date of Birth
19th of April, 1000 CE
Year of Birth
1000 CE 505 Years old
(New) Memphis, Idgypt
Current Residence
Royal Palace, New Memphis, Idgypt
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
“Let's get these bastards” - Stated before charging against the forces of the demon lord Ubilaz at the end of the Great Demon War
Owned Vehicles
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
He speaks several languages, primarily Common, Idgyptian, and Greek; as well as knowing a bit of Latin and Dwarvish.
Ruled Locations

Articles under Shadotep I

Romae Ubique Dedit Manum
29th of May, 1492 CE

Early this morning I received a message directly from the Palace of Augustus. Apparently Emperor Vorenus, facing the reality of the situation, abdicated the throne and passed it on to his heir, Theophania. She, now Empress, sub-sequentially surrendered to our forces as we had initially agreed.   While this may not be the victory many of my men wanted, I am glad it turned out this way. The push towards the Palace, as well as the assault, would have been extremely costly. Plus with an ally on the throne we can help dictate more favorable terms for the peace treaty.   I'm sure not many will be happy about this. Many of my fellow Idgyptians wanted to see Rome wiped off the map (or at least annexed), and the Romans will see their surrender as dishonorable. Never the less, I believe the future cooperation between our nations will beneficial in the long run.

Invasion Fleet Launched
8th of January, 1492 CE

Today I oversaw the launching of the Grand Idgyptian Armada from Elizandria. I feel a sense of pride in those men, heading into unknown territory to take the fight to the Romans. While I wish I could be there with them, I know that it is too dangerous and that I must wait for a beachhead to be established before I can join them.


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