Church of the Flame

The church of the Everburning Flame was the main religion of the western UKE ever since the war of independence. Its power was said to have granted powerful individuals the right to hold high positions, slay monsters, and forge powerful magic items throughout the ages.


At the head of the Flame was the High Priest of the UKE, which conducted lengthy rituals often to gain the favor of the everburning flame. Various paladins then were the servants below the high priest, and below that the clerics, and lower still then the basic church participants.


After the Flame revealed itself to the paladins of the church, creating a pantheon of it's own, it was obviously no longer necessary to worship the Flame. Some very stubborn old-timers still attempt to pray to the flame, but it is largely dissolved.

924 CE - September 7th, 1487

Religious, Organised Religion
Successor Organization
Parent Organization


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