Demihumans of Amospia

Demihuman is a term used to refer to those whose basic physical appearance is humanoid but includes distinctively non-human elements. These beings may or may not have special, magical, or supernatural abilities, but they are generally a form of true breeding population. Generally, they also have some form of sentience, though how developed it is depends on the species and the individual.   There are two main classifications of demihumans used throughout Amospia, the first being true demihuman. These are species that are, like humans, direct descendants of the Narmen. These species are typically far-more like humans than other types of demihumans, and include races such as elves, dwarves, halflings, orcs*, etc. They tend to have their own civilizations, and often have a far easier time living alongside humans than other species. Due to their similar genetic heritage, interbreeding between species is also far easier.   *While it is debated as to whether orcs descended as true demihumans or not, they are classified as true demihumans in most circles.   The other classification, known as formed demihumans, are not natural descendants of the Narmen. Instead, they are artificially created by some form of divine matter (Gods, Outer Gods, Infinity Stones, etc.), most commonly by a God combining a “true species” (human, Narmen, true demihuman, Knom, and/or Andina) with one or more animal/monster species, a mortal species and a god, and/or a large amount of certain types of magic. While most were created long ago, some are newer than others, and there are far more species than that of true species. Some examples include centaurs, harpies, satyrs, serpantines, lizardmen, mermaids, etc. While interbreeding is possible in some cases, they are far rarer with much less predictable results, sometimes resulting in new subspecies (Lamias are a prominent example). These species are more likely to live more primitive lives away from large settlements, and the line between “formed demihuman” and “monster” is often quite blurry.

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