Gold Energy

The elemental composition of gold is curious. While a scientific approach clearly identifies gold as an unrelated substance, deep within the mystical quanta of the universe iron and gold are mostly the same. The only difference is that while iron possesses a perfectly even mix of both light and shadow gold boasts one of the highest ratios of light to shadow. When combined with the naturally high density of light and shadow in its pattern, gold expresses a strange quality to produce excess energy beyond what it is composed of and hold it within its pattern.
Long ago when Zovilla was first teaching the Narmen to use magic, she taught them how to draw upon this self-replenishing font of energy to fuel their spells. In time they would come to use it to power their runic inscriptions and to power mighty magics. The two primary ways in which gold's energies can be used are to sustain a magical effect or as a reserve of power to be draw out. Example applications of the former are in enchanted weaponry where it can be used to sustain the more potent enchantments and by the Aztecs to hold a spell on an object either for later use or to sustain it for longer durations.

In recent joint experimentation between the Narmen and the Void Drow it was discovered that a similar property was possessed by adamantite. Adamantite shares the same pattern with iron and gold but has as high levels of shadow as gold does light. Experimentation between the Narmen, with knowledge of the nature of gold energy, and the drow, with knowledge of the nature of shadow and adamantite, revealed that energy could be passed through adamantite in a way as to amplify the energy. From here methods were designed to create feedback loops within an item so that it only required a initial jumpstart to continue to produce large amounts of energy. This can be done either all at once producing a single large burst of energy, or slower, being able to sustain a unique magic item for several hours up to a day.


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