
Macedonia is a kingdom of the southern Medierra. It has had a rather dynamic past, from being a minor kingdom on the fringes of the Ancient Greek world, to at one point having conquered most of the known world.


At the head of state is the basileus (king), who is assisted by the basilikoi paides (royal pages), somatophylakes (bodyguards), hetairoi (companions), philoi (friends), and the Synedrion (assembly), which is made up of magistrates and members of the military.


Macedonia has had a long history. For most of it's early years it existed on the periphery of the Greek world, and was often seen as a backwater by their Greek neighbors. However this changes with the rise of Phillip II in 359 BCE. With his extensive military reforms, Phillip was able to conquer most of Thrace and all of mainland Greece (excluding Sparta), with ambitions to launch a campaign to conquer the Achaemenid Empire.   Following the assassination of Phillip in 336 BCE and the death of his son Alexander a few months later, Alexander's twin sister Elizabeth claimed the throne of Macedonia with the intent to move forward with her father's plan to conquer Persia. Though many were doubtful of a female ruler at first, these doubts were soon put to rest as Elizabeth would lead the Macedonian army to conquer the Achaemenid Empire.   Following the death of Elizabeth in 323 BCE and the Partition of Babylon immediately after, Macedonia would find itself locked in conflicts with its neighbors, including the other Diadochi kingdoms, for most of the next two centuries. Macedonian independence would end with it's defeat at the Battle of Pydna in June 168 BCE during the Third Macedonian War against the Roman Republic. Following this defeat, Macedonia and the rest of Greece were annexed as Roman provinces.   Macedonia would remain as one of Rome's wealthier provinces until 26 BCE, when the rebelling province of Idgypt called upon its old Diadochi compatriots for aid. Having had enough of Roman rule, the former Diadochi provinces rose up in rebellion, taking their old names and forming the Diadochi Alliance. With the combined strength of the rebelling Diadochi provinces, Rome was pushed back and forced to relinquish their control of the western Medierra.   Much of Macedonian history after this point is relatively obscure to most outside the country, primarily characterized by the reformation of the Diadochi Alliance several times to fight against the Romans, assuming the Diadochi kingdoms were not fighting amongst themselves.

Technological Level

The technological level of Macedonia is relatively on-par with the other nations of the Medierra, with many of the technical innovations used and improved upon today origination in Macedonian-controlled Greece. However like most of the other Medierra nations, it has until recently been relatively isolated to the technological advancements made in Europe (i.e. cannons), and has yet to adopt many of these advancements.


The cults of the Greek Pantheon (Hellenism) are the primary religion of Macedonia, with many aspects of religion and politics often intertwined. However many foreign religions also have smaller presences within Macedonia, most notably some cults of the Idgyptian pantheon, such as the temple of Serapis at Thessaloniki.

Agriculture & Industry

Macedonia has had a long tradition of herding livestock such as goats and sheep, with horse breeding and raising cattle being other common pursuits. Though not as heavily emphasized as they were in the early centuries of Macedonian history, these more rustic pursuits are still important to many rural Macedonians.
Founding Date
808 BCE
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Makedonia, Kingdom of Macedon
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Drachme is the official currency of Macedonia. While slightly different from Idgyptian drachme, work is being done to standardize the system of drachme used throughout the Medierra.
Major Exports
The Macedonian economy and state finances are mainly supported by logging and by mining valuable minerals such as copper, iron, gold, and silver, and the production of finished goods from these materials. One of its notable exports is large amounts of cornel wood, which is valued throughout the Hellenistic nations as the best wood for manufacturing sarissa pikes.
Legislative Body
The Synedrion is an assembly of some of the most eminent Macedonians, chosen by the Basileus, to assist him in the governance of the kingdom.
Official State Religion
Parent Organization
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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