Narman Nobles

Through a combination of natural selection and arcane enhancements, those descendant from the upper echelons of Narmen society generally possess a greater affinity for the arcane arts.

Basic Information


Taller than humans, elves, or orcs, Narmen stand at an average of 7 feet tall with a build similar to an elf who has spent too much time sitting at their desk. Narmen have coal black skin with a network of grey scars that vaguely resemble arcane runes, a remnant of their ancient powers. Due to their arcane modification, Narmen have lack all hair and possess a single long tusk jutting straight out of their mouth which they are quite familiar with not running into things, much to the perplexing of other races. Narmen nobles are visually distinguished by having longer, pointier ears, narrower eyes, more delicate fingers, and an even greater air of pomp. Nobles also claim that their scars are a lighter coloration than those of most.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
100 years
Average Height
Males: 6' 1" - 7' 11"; Females: 5' 7" - 7' 7"
Average Weight
Males: 106 - 172 lb; Females: 96 - 162 lb


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