Narmen, Pre-Flood

Narmen were tall with super human speed strength and grace that made the ultimate warriors against the forces of the void. Additionally they were fair skinned with glowing runes that covered their skin and prismatic hair that shimmered all different pastel tones. Standing upright and regal, defiant against their adversaries. The runes glowed a different color on each individual and changed based on strong emotions. These runes acted as a conduit for the the Narmen’s innate magical powers that were tied to their very soul. Using these runes they could gain access to spell casting similar to that of a trained cleric as well as being able to fly.

Basic Information


Before the flood, most Narmen had a form like that of the most muscular humans though with the ears now characteristic of elves. They had fair skin with glowing runes across their skin that shone various colors depending on the individual and their mood. They had long prismatic hair that shimmered with varying tones like a pastel aurora.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Narmen had powerful eyes that could see with the barest of light in addition to having darkvision and being able to see in complete darkness, though only in shades of grey. Narmen also possessed an uncanny ability that would alert them of the presence and rough location of any creature nearby, even though walls, as well as being able to physically see the aura of evil around an evil creature or individual.
Genetic Descendants


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