
Basic Information


Chiīij have the base body shape of any standard humanoid. Chiīij differentiate in having a pair wings on their back that normally fold together and lay flat on their back, a pair of feathered antennae, and long, floppy ears. Their wings are neither strong enough nor large enough to sustain flight, rather they are able to discharge magic in a controlled fashion and Chiīij are even able to use them when casting spells.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Chiīij are thaumivores. In addition to normal sustenance, Chiīij require consuming a certain amount of magical energy or else they will starve. This is normally done by way of one or more of three methods. Chiīij have feathery antennae extending from their forehead which passively absorb magical energy out the air, but are also able to directly drink the waters of their arcane fonts for magical sustenance. If a Chiīij believes it will not have access to a well or sufficient ambient energies, they will carry around an amulet that is able to store magic from the fonts in a form that the Chiīij can absorb, though it need be refilled when emptied.

Additional Information

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Through a mix of biology, meditation, and practice Chiīij are able to sense the flow of energy in their surroundings. Chiīij can sense concentrated sources and fields of magic like, spells and magic items, easily but with additional time and focus they are able to sense even the flow of energy through nearby life.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

Chiīij are able to create mystical pylons that can be used to distribute the power of a well a greater distance. They have also developed small moon pools which are wide dishes that act as much smaller, but portable, moonwells. They have also created amulets that are able to store the wells' power to be used later.
While lacking in personal magical ability, equivalently only being capable of casting spells up to level three, Chiīij have learned to perform rituals physically centered around a well, or similar source of power, to perform more powerful magic. The larger the well or other source the more casters it can the support and the more powerful magic it can fuel. Additionally, adding more casters increases the power of the ritual with some rituals requiring a minimum number of casters to activate.


Long ago as the Narmen in the region lost their connection to their innate powers they performed a ritual transforming them into a form whereby they could replace it with the magic of a great font of power they discovered, the Fountain of Eternity. In time, they lost access to its waters as a grove dryads drove them from it. A deal was struck with the dryads to draw an amount of water from it to use to create a lesser well to sustain the thaumivorous Chiīij known as the Elder Well. As their people grew more numerous they learned to create more even smaller wells, known as moon wells, throughout their territory using the waters of the Elder Well. With the power of these wells, and the wells' ties to the land, the Chiīij were prosperous, never wanting more than they could provide. They grew closer to nature, being in tune with the stars and moon and able to feel the flow of energy through the universe. Without need and the abundance of metals afforded to the natives of Weralt, the Chiīij never developed what the people of Weralt would consider modern technologies. The Chiīij, instead, learned to live off the land and to sustain one another. These are not a perfect people but they are peaceful and content people.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Chiīij do not generally interact much with other races and neither do most groups have any interest in them. Humble by nature, Chiīij do not own much worth stealing other than their wells which are fixed solidly into the terrain and which they defend fiercely.
Genetic Ancestor(s)


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