Optio Rank/Title in Amospia | World Anvil


An optio, (pl. optiones; "to choose", so-called because an optio is chosen by a centurion) is a position in a centuria (century) of a Roman army similar to that of an executive officer. The main function of an optio was as an optio centuriae, the second-in-command of a century, although there were many other roles an optio could adopt.


Each optio is chosen by the centurion from the ranks of the century under their command.


Optiones are vital in the Roman army. An optio is stationed at the rear of the ranks to keep the troops in order. Their duties include enforcing the orders of the centurion, taking over the centurion's command in battle should the need arise, supervising his subordinates, and a variety of administrative duties.


Optio pay is double the standard legionary pay and they are the most likely men to replace the centurion if the position becomes vacant.

Accoutrements & Equipment

Unlike the centurion, the cuirass is not the distinguishing part of the optio's uniform. The identifying part is his helmet; this has plumes of horse hair or feathers on either side of his helmet and is typically accompanied by a helmet crest.   An optio's armour is more like those of the common legionary. He can wear the lorica segmentata or a lorica hamata as well as have his gladius on the right, not the left, side. One thing that does separate him from the common legionary was the staff (called a hastile), which is used to keep the legionaries in line. This staff is roughly as tall as the optio himself. Optiones often carry wax tablets on which they keep the orders of the day.
Civic, Military, Not Commissioned
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