
Syracusia (Greek: Συρακουσία, syrakousía, literally "of Syracuse") is an large transport ship, currently in use by the Idgyptian Empire as the pharaoh's personal transport.  


Syracusia was designed by Archimedes and built around 240 BC by Archias of Corinth on the orders of Hieron II of Syracuse. She is sometimes claimed to be the largest transport ship of antiquity. She was reportedly too big for any port in Sicily, and thus only sailed once from Syracuse in Sicily to Elizandria in the Ptolemaic Kingdom of Idgypt, whereupon she was given as a present to Ptolemy III Euergetes and renamed the Elizandreia. After this the fate of the original is unknown.


The reconstruction was commissioned by Idgyptian pharaoh Shadotep I for use as a personal transport ship, due to the fact that the Thalamegos is not built to withstand ocean conditions. It was chosen over the larger Tessarakonteres as his maritime transport not only due to it's more luxurious accommodations, but also because it's comparatively smaller size would cause less problems when trying to dock at smaller ports. It is always accompanied by at least one Royal Eikoseres.  


The top deck, which is wider than the rest of the ship, is supported by beautifully crafted wooden Atlases instead of simply wooden columns. Additionally, the top deck features eight towers. On the bow of the ship is a raised platform for fighting, on top of which is a giant catapult. 20 rows of oars are also visible from the outside, as well as a promenade lined with flowers and tents for use by the passengers.  


In terms of passenger comfort, Syracusia is the equivalent of Titanic compared to other ships. Her innovative design and sheer size allow for the creation of various recreational spaces aboard, including a garden and an indoor bath room with hot water. The lower levels of the ship are reserved for the crew and the soldiers on board, while the upper levels are for the use of passengers. The ship is beautifully decorated using materials such as ivory and marble, while all public spaces are floored with mosaics depicting the entire story of the Iliad. The ship is also equipped with a library, a drawing room and a gymnasium for use by the passengers, as well as a small temple dedicated to Aphrodite.


It is powered by three sails as well as 20 rows of oars.

Weapons & Armament

The top deck featured eight towers, equipped with two archers and four fully armed men. On the bow of the ship was a raised platform for fighting, on top of which was a giant catapult.
Owning Organization
Cargo & Passenger Capacity
She can carry a cargo of some 1600 to 1800 tons and a capacity of 1,942 passengers, though it rarely carries this many due to it's use as a royal transport. She can also carry about 200 soldiers.


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