Clotho Geographic Location in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil


Location Circinus Stream / Elpis System / Nyx / First Orbit
Population N/A
Capital N/A
Ownership N/A
Hawa classification ff2ed9a5
Nyx-I, dubbed Clotho, is little but a vast rocky desert lit by a dim blue sun. Tall mountains rise towards the sky. The plants are squat, reticulated trunks with broad dark green leaves. Long fuzzy creatures slither between the trunks. The lifeforms on this planet appear to be part of a kind of superorganism.   There is a strange radiation source at the planet's core, emanating from the middle of a thawed sea called 'the Eye' - which added to the world's remoteness, has made colonization here particularly unviable.


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