Swords of Rava

The Swords of Rava are a Mewei mercenary guild and religious organization dedicated to the ancestral Mewei sun goddess, Rava. Originating from the backwaters of Nufano, the Swords seek to protect citizens and facilitate the flow of trade in areas neglected by the Domain. The Swords are led by Freja, a disgruntled dockworker on Nufano.   The Swords strongly feel about the leadership of Hierarch Helre. Their creed is that her Domain maintains too strong a grip on innovation and on Nufano's economy. The Swords do not necessarily disagree with the Domain's isolationist stance, but they believe that current policy ultimately stifles progress. It isn't long before other colonies catch up to Mewei advancement, they hold, and what good is Mewei tech if it is consigned to dusty tomes?     Many of the Swords are generally at wider odds with Mewei society. Tellingly, they seek to revive worship of the Sun-Goddess Rav, more dynamic, more industrialist than heeding the World-Goddess in their eyes. Their solari blades, giving the Swords their name, are said to "cut through the darkness of a dark tomorrow". Nonetheless, the Swords respect the will of a Valekeeper or Matriarch - they do not carry out blatantly unlawful acts, though they will trade in maltech and overstep their authority in the absence of effective Domain leadership.   They are formally organized in several branches : adventurers who fight and help villagers in need, bards who proselytize in neighbouring communities. There is a shadow branch, far more understated : people who seek funding for the Swords by selling various artefacts to scientists across the Domain, usually against Domain law. Many Swords are adventurers, but the rank of Huntress is bestowed upon those who partake of the Sun Goddess' blessing, and draw upon the stars to power their faith and their combat prowess. For a nominal fee, the Swords pledge themselves to a cause or to a party, for as long as the problem continues or until all reasonable resolutions to an issue have been tried. Sometimes, the Swords pledge themselves freely, if they deem the cause worthy enough, or seek to gain the support of particular communities. They go from township to township, spreading the gospel of what Mewei culture could once again become - a Domain that innovates and thrives, and isn't afraid of the dark tomorrow.
Military, Mercenary Group


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