Mewei Domain Organization in Anareta : Chronicles of the Stream | World Anvil

Mewei Domain

The Mewei Domain is the government that oversees the Mewei jungle world Nufano, its Valekeeper Fleet, as well as several dependencies. It is an advanced form of technocracy, where powerful and wise Matriarchs become community and worldwide leaders. However, ever since the Great Jump, it has used very little of its tech advantage beyond planetary engineering, and many consider the polity to become stagnant, its science shrouding in mysticism. The current leader of the Mewei Domain is Hierarch Helre



Born from Fire

  Long before the Domain, the Great Jump, and life in the Elpis System, it could be fairly said that the ancestors of the Mewei were not as wise nor as thoughtful about their crownworld. Centuries of droughts culminated into industrial decay and open nuclear warfare, which destroyed their homeworld - but not before a few visionaries had eked out a living on another planet in their home system. It was the descendents of this fortunate branch who repopulated their homeworld, and with them came an ethos of extreme ecological preservation and technological advancement.   In the Pyxis Globula the Mewei held a sharp technological edge over every other major power. Their best and brightest, resigned to board the Ark to avoid the coming annhiliation at the hand of the Oberon Incursion, took with them much of their technology - blueprints, flashdrives, treatises. They also brought with them two relics : the Stone of Lyshana and the Staff of the All-Seeker.   However, Mewei diplomats noticed the Zaalans, who held the line so valiantly against the Oberon, were refused access to the Embassy Ark. Dismayed, the Mewei traded their cherished Staff to obtain Zaalan access to the Ark, knowing that the Hiderid warlord they traded with was not acting on behalf of the Coalition nor did truthfully have the authority to push the Zaalans out. Without precautions, the staff acted as an EMP which fried the ships of the Hiderid warlord and prevented his fleet from reaching the Ark. The relic was lost, but hundreds of thousands of Zaalan lives were able to board the Ark without blocade.  

A new World-Goddess

  Upon arrival, the Mewei swiftly voted to evacuate the Ark and relocate to Nufano. Even though they shared or traded several of their dearest-held secrets in the name of shared survival, much of their knowledge remained preserved, and around the Great Library, an entire city was soon built : thus was the Astropolis created. In the 6th Cycle, the Domain as we know it came to be, with Matriarch Lynne as its first Hierarch. She established the Circle of the World-Goddess to administer the land and preserve its ecology even as they used Programmable Matter to build their new world. Then she decided that only Mewei would be allowed to step onto Nufano, to preserve it and to foster a sense of serene isolationism.   Following the Conclave of Six, several events happened. The Domain quickly established itself as a neutral and objective party; in the 10th Cycle, at the height of the Boshaari-Hiderid Thaumium War, the Domain secured access to Zindra's vast Thaumium supplies and brokered a diplomatic peace between the other settling colonies. In the 33rd Cycle, the Valekeeper Fleet was restored, for the Domain had decided to retain access to space despite several objections. Matriarch Lynne also fast-tracks Matriarchs through the construction of a great academy at Raithwall : even though the best of the Mewei race has settled on Nufano, one must also look to its future.   Matriarch Lynne sought to stockpile her nation's supply of Programmable Matter; indeed, their superior command of technology allowed them to make use of as little of it as possible, usually only as orbital projects, and to directly build their industrial and agricultural base from scratch where possible. However, looking to the fast expanding Hiderid Coalition, she strikes a deal to exchange industrial goods and expertise from the Hiderid in exchange for the sharing of select Mewei technology. Experts believe that the flagging Mewei Domain thus managed to keep itself afloat and re-specialize as a technocracy as fast as possible, though this came at a blow to a few hardliner factions with the Domain who sought to isolate themselves completely from the rest of the Elpis system.   After reserves of Thaumium were discovered on Nufano, Matriarch Lynne pushed to create a planetary defence grid dummed a Force Shield in order to further protect her world from outsiders. This led to the creation of Veena Station. Unfortunately, the Matriarch passed away shortly after, and Hierarch Helre took over.   Under Hierarch Helre's leadership, some of the restrictions on Nufano were lifted, and the Hierarch continued to lead by consensus. Many expeditions across Nufano were undertaken at this time along the four main rivers that converged around the Astropolis - and the Mewei started to truly blossom across their newfound world.  

Society & Customs


  Settlements organized in townships form the base unit of Mewei society. These are always led by respected and revered Matriarchs, and often possess considerable leeway in managing their own personal affairs, so long as basic laws of the Mewei Domain are observed. In constrast to sedentary townships, construction units known as Awak effectively exist as tight-knit, roving villages of engineers and experts that roam Nufano and improve its infrastructure in major ways. Many townships and awaks are kept small and often larger settlements are encouraged to split. Most Awaks tend to come into existence in this way. Still, Mewei are highly communal - they don't mind shared spaces, and will rely on interdependence in their day-to-day lives.   From its central city, the Astropolis, the Mewei Domain controls much of the Emerald Vale and the four rivers which flow in and out of it. Mewei townships and settlement generally spread along these waterways, which form a key transportation solution for the Domain and have a significant place in Mewei culture and economies. The typical Mewei settlement will often be built from a riverside central district which acts as an industrial and commercial hub, and spread along artificial canals and roads towards residential areas. Along a riverway, one might find several townships, awaks as well as military bases kept by Valekeepers - the Domain peacekeeping force on Nufano and beyond.   Few roads connect Mewei towns through the jungle outside of the Vale itself. Cities within the Vale are connected via a monorail service and regular ferry services stretch outwards along each river. The Domain is split into five general governance areas : the Vale itself and its opening upon the Lost Sea, and areas corresponding to the lengths of the rivers Niwa, Fali, Morav and Drjna.   There are cultural differences from river to river. The Mewei of Niwa are known for their agri communities and contribution to Mewei cuisine. The Mewei of Fali, where many alien artefacts are often found, are more introverted and less welcoming than their peers. Likewise, Vale Mewei often behave differently from those who live in the furthest and most remote settlements. Larger townships in the Vale concentrate labs, workshops and innovation around river and monorail hubs where science and technology seem to blend seamlessly with the environment around them. Great universities are the lifeblood of many Mewei cities. Within their walls, one might even find Boshaari, Hiderid or Zaalan students. By contrast, remote outposts thousands of miles out on each river are hardy, independent, and for some of them, barely recognize the Domain at all. Whilst no Matriarch there would ever disavow the leadership of the Domain, they also harbour fringe ideas and often rely on mercenaries such as the Swords of Rava for communal defence.   Regardless of cultural differences, Mewei generally expect to have a nominal say in the welfare and leadership of their community, but as a people driven by consensus and fitting in, they often manage to find common ground on most pressing issues. Mewei often bond around communal meals, and many villages will hold ritual festivals to commemorate or celebrate aspects of their history or of the environment around them.

The Bond

  An important aspect of Mewei life is the Bond - the belief that a Mewei belongs where they were born, and that when they die, the soil will absorb their soul as sustenance and return their life energy to their home community. Thus, travel high and low, no expanse is ever spared for the return of an older Mewei soul to the township of their birth or that of their most significant achievements. To alleviate the trauma of losing one's homeworld and Bond following the war in the Pyxis Globula, many Mewei have turned to the Circle of the World-Goddess for guidance. The druids of the Circle listened, and hallowed Nufano as a newfound World-Goddess of salvation and succor, thus ensuring that all Mewei had a fruitful place to die, having led long and prosperous lives questing for betterment of self and society.

Science & Technology

  The Mewei have historically been a technologically attuned society. This attitude has changed slightly following the Great Jump. Nowadays Mewei seek, more than anything, to develop their new homeland. Thus much of the new technology being studied will be in fields directly applicable to this goal. Great institutions of learning have reformed across the Domain, though most generally in the Vale, and keep up scientific traditions to deliver breakthroughs. Out on the riverways (or even in orbit), more sensitive or dangerous discoveries are performed in remote research labs called Acorns. Example of Acorns include Roseway Acorn, where an Agony Sphere is kept and studied, or the orbital Sunset City Acorn, dedicated to Thaumium research.   Nonetheless, it is noted that Mewei are currently more cautious with their research than they were in the Globula. Entire fields of research have been banned; others become stagnant, rely on other powers in Tau Elpis for breakthroughs, or decay into mysticism. Valekeepers maintain small task forces dedicated to sniffing out maltech where they can find it - banned or unproven technology, alien relics, or ecologically harmful devices. New Matriarchs are tasked with seeking new ideas and bringing them to the fold; however, there is often unexpected resistance from a Domain that once was eager to put any new science to the test of time. Such reticence leads to tension within Mewei society, and for a variety of reasons, some groups seek to restore the technological brilliance and foolhardiness which once characterized the Domain.


    There are few religious Mewei, though many at least notionally believe in the teachings of the World-Goddess and its Circle. Ever so, most Mewei take part in rituals and festivals and find solace in the knowledge that a new Bond was created between them and their homeworld. Generally, however, the practice of religion is a secondary concern to most Domain citizens, one that mostly echoes more important cultural trends such as eco-conservationism and harmonious interdependence.   Those who believe in the World-Goddess sometimes become Acolytes of the Circle. Armed with ceremonial bows and organized in smaller Circles across the realm, they wander the wilds of Nufano and seek to work with communities to improve the ecology of their new world, but also to strengthen the links between and within townships. Acolytes that have performed reliably well either become Bards or Clerics. The former continue to roam the world and provide advanced counsel; many even arbiter on matters of civil law. Clerics, for their part, continue their training and generally become the healers of Mewei society. When a Bard or Cleric has sufficiently advanced, they often become full-fledged Druids and go on to found a Circle of their own.

Politics & Economy

  Domain townships and Awak often enjoy a right to self-governance and petition at all levels of government. Mewei often rely on the wisdom of local Druids, Bards, or Matriarchs to lead them through difficult times. The Domain reserves ultimate jurisdiction in matters of defence, economy above the most local level, and research.   A key element of the Domain is its hybrid style of economy. Whilst individuals are often welcomed to engage in private business, it is truly the Matriarchs sitting in the Astropolis who direct those of major townships, who will in turn need to organize their settlements in pursuit of economic goals. Those goals are usually, but not always, decided through consensus between different communities as well as the Astropolis. Mewei communities living along the River Niwa are often seen in charge of keeping intensive farmsteads and orchards, townships surrounding the Matriarch training ground at Okladan look after mining facilities and Thaumium enrichment centres, and Awak Alront is one of a few specialized in river transportation. The closer to the Astropolis a settlement is, the more involved in the Domain effort it will seem to be. The Mewei ecomony is aided by the low rate of reproduction of Mewei society. Mewei are resilient, do not want for many luxuries, and most are of economically productive age, which is a significant advantage that allows the Domain to punch above its weight.   Another key element of Domain policy is the belief that technology must be thoroughly tested before use, lest it disrupts the ecosystem or Mewei society as a whole. All new tech must be strictly examined and patented at the Astropolis. Technology deemed unsafe, unsanitary or unsound is deemed "maltech". Many Valekeepers scour the lands in search of maltech, for the Domain strongly believes that should unproven technology fall into the wrong hands, it must be confiscated and safeguarded.   The Domain model often breaks down as one gets further from the Astropolis. In more backwater communities, hints of a free-trade economy free from capital interference appear. Local currencies and Programmable Matter are used to barter between further townships and money is an increasingly necessary part of survival. The Swords of Rava, who are generally opposed to the overbearing grip of the Domain on economy and technological progress, maintain a growing trading network in the far ends of Nufano's populated areas, such as the Willowsloughs. As relics from the previous alien civilization that lived on Nufano are often excavated and traded by the Swords and other actors, elite Valekeepers and Matriarchs from the Astropolis seek to put an end to this practice, even if they must turn a blind eye to other unorthodox practices.


  The Domain maintains a fairly isolationist stance whilst it tries to tame and develop its new world. Believing that its technology allows it to ignore the rest of the star system, it generally does not seek much contact with the outside world and most Elpis-born Mewei have never left Nufano. Several groups lament this state of affairs and mourn for a more diplomatically active Domain, but have had little effect so far. Trading does happen, but outsiders are restricted to orbital stations and specific areas within the Vale, and require a Matriarch's seal to travel further. This aside, the Domain seeks to keep cordial enough relationships with all other key actors in Elpis System. Counter-intuitively, their reputation as aloof and neutral outsiders has made the Domain a kingmaker in Boshaari and Hideridpolitics, and kept them relevant in system-wide matters.   However, aware that its economic model, technological blocks and diplomatic stance all threaten the innovation needed for continued technological development, Hierarch Helre has decided to send new Matriarchs on pilgrimages called Ozayn across the Elpis system as a coming-of-age mechanism. Hopes are that, upon returning home, they have gained the wisdom of other peoples and collected new ideas that could be applied to the Domain. Matriarchs new and old are often the only Mewei that other civilizations across the Stream get to meet; thus it falls to them to be diplomatic and represent their people whenever possible.   The Mewei keep a strong presence in space, thanks to Hiderid funds and their own expertise. The Valekeepers even maintain a small fleet of vessels - often Hiderid ones, for the Mewei only possess a small shipyard - split into three Fleets. The Wood Fleet defends Nufano and ensures that no unauthorized landings occur. The Crystal Fleet guards specific acorns against intrusions. Finally, the Gateway Fleet, by far the largest of the three, is posted on a permanent basis around Outpost X-5, a joined Coalition-Domain project that seeks to pierce the secret of the strange ring station at the rim of the Elpis system.
Geopolitical, Technocracy


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