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Church of Moribaat

The Church of Moribaat is one of the three main branches of the The Church of the Trinity, devoted to the worship of Morbin, the God of Death and War.


The organizational structure of the Church of Moribaat is extremely rigid and militaristic. Different arms of the Church serve as military and as law enforcement leadership throughout the Empire. (While law enforcement in countries, cities, and towns may not be part of any official church hierarchy, it is unusual to find someone in the military or law enforcement who does not pray to Morbin at one time or another.) The church is led by the Tranquil Shield, a council of seven that appears to have no particular leader but never presents a decision as anything less than unanimous. Each member of that council leads a branch of the organization.


The culture of the church emphasizes seven tenets.
  • Authority. Authority comes from within and without. Authority is strength and power, derived from arms and armor but also from character. A leader should be able to maintain their authority without their spear in hand.
  • Defense. Do not strike first, but draw your sword to defend.
  • Obedience. When you do not know the larger truth, the gift you give is your obedience, to those who earn it with their authority.
  • Truth. Truth is inherently virtuous. Truth is a mirror. A mirror must never be blamed for what it shows.
  • Virtue. Reputation is what others believe of you. Virtue is what you are when no one sees you.
  • Equality. Death comes for all equally. A sword cuts all flesh the same. Don what armor you like, but Moribaat will judge you the same.
  • Judgment. In your eyes, be as death, and be as a sword. Look past the armor of reputation and see all equally. See their truth and their virtue.

All equal below the earth.

Alternative Names
The Grave Ward
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization

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