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Church of Anandaat

The Church of Anandaat is devoted to the worship of Ananda, believing in the myth of Anandaat as taught by her scripture.


The Church of Anandaat is led by a council of 3-5 Hierans, who are usually very high-level cleric spellcasters, themselves led by an Arch-Hieran. They select Subhiers for the larger, more important cities around the continent, who in turn select ministers to lead local congregations. The politicking for local Subhiers can vary wildly depending on their location and population; that for Venti City is wildly different from that for Ora Salona, and some places are very, very far from the nearest Subhier, and so find their way to Ananda's word without much of the latest rulings on scripture and dogma.


Ananda is the goddess of life and light, but the real essence of her current cultural force and the force of the church is productivity. Think capitalism, really -- a life is worth the light that it brings, and a light is only worth what it illuminates. Worshippers are caught in a constant struggle to prove themselves worthy of her light and her gifts, to earn their place at her side, and there is always a subtle undercurrent of tension: Ananda doesn't provide much of a social safety net, and if you're on the streets, it probably means you've fallen from her grace. Yet, by the same token, Ananda, as the goddess of life, is the proponent of free hospitals. Her clerics are the quickest with charity and the soonest on the scene in a disaster.
Religious, Organised Religion
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