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The Fall of Alousia and the Collapse of Godossea

124 B.C. to 40 A.C.

In 124 B.C., a third major rift to another plane opened, this time in the heartland of the Ancient Alousian Empire. A rift opened to the lower planes at the site of a pitched battle in the endless Blood War between demons and devils. That war spilled into Alousia, sending demonic and devilish soldiers to rape and pillage their way across the breadbasket of the empire. Mercifully, the passage closed quickly, stranding only a few thousand demons and devils on this side of it. Most have since been hunted down, but many left behind a legacy of tiefling bastards. The Ancient Alousian Empire was destroyed almost overnight by the brief invasion, its agricultural heartland in ruins and its capital OF Cinri razed by the joint forces of the Abyss and Nine Hells. While Alousia continues (its territory reduced) to this day as the Second Alousian Empire, it has yet to regain its former glory. In the wake of the Alousian War, the southern provinces broke away from the old empire, forming the City-State of Madhwira, Kingdom of Shan, and Kingdom of Baatherys. Contact between east and west was largely lost, with the exception of Shanite trading ships from ports on the western coast.   Dependent on Alousia for food imports and other trade goods, the Magisterium of Godossea fell not long after Alousia did, though it took decades for the Magisterium to fully splinter.   First to secede was the ancient fey homeland of Cernoa , which reclaimed its independence within a few years of the Fall of Alousia. Within a few decades of Cernoan independence, the elven principality of Halaan broke away from the Magisterium, forming a racial caste system in their new kingdom, as well as a sometimes violent elven supremacist ideology. The much reduced remains of Goddossea were in the south, around the imperial capital of Nishima in what is now Fealand.   Within a few centuries, this shrunken Goddossea had been renamed after Feas the Great, the most famous hero of the later Halaanic Wars .   Fealand’s royalty still claim 'Incantor of Goddossea' among their titles, and the region continues to be known for their magical constructions and mastery of the arcane.

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