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Magisterium of Godossea

Ancient arcane masters who invented various magical items, constructs and other creations.

The example of Cinr (the first permanent ausrani settlement) in ancient Alousia spread quickly to other ausrani caravans. Within a few hundred years, ausrani towns began to thrive, often in wetlands or river deltas. One of the earliest was Nishima, soon to become the capital of Goddossea, the other large ausrani kingdom of the Golden Age besides Alousia. The eastern empire of Goddossea - known as the Magisterium - absorbed the ancient fey homelands of Cernoa, as well as surrounding ausrani territory from Kuroshar to the caisheni lands of the south.   From its beginnings as an informal conclave of magic-users in what is now Fealand), to its sudden collapse four thousand yers later, Godossea was ruled by the most powerful magic-users in the Magisterium. The Incantor - the mage-emperor who ultimately ruled - was assisted by twelve 'Magisters'; "Magisterium" refers both generally to the Godossean government, and specifically to these twelve ruling elite. Magisters were appointed by the Incantor, and served for life. When an Incantor died, their successor was elected from among the Twelve, and also served for life.   The first Incantor, Eldrynn the Wise, was a young half-elven archmage who united and expanded Godossea through trade and diplomacy. Even the ancient and aloof kings of Cernoa fell to Eldrynn's reason and charm. Eldrynn died peacefully after a reign of nearly two hundred years - the empire he built outlasted him by four millennia.   The last Incantor was a golden dragonborn sorcerer named Nyrissa XII. Incantor Nyrissa desperately tried to keep the Magisterium intact after the Fall of Alousia. When the world economy collapsed and various factions began calling for independence, she refused to go to war to hold the empire together. Conscious that her predecessor Eldrynn the Wise had built Godossea by diplomacy and persuasion, Nyrissa tried to hold it together with the same tactics, albeit unsuccessfully.   From an early date, the Goddosseans were masters of the various magical arts, creating a myriad of new spells, magical items and the beginnings of arcane technology. The rulers of the Godossea are said to have been both powerful and wise, ruling justly for thousands of years, right up until the fall of Alousia splintered the Magisterium. Some sages doubt the wisdom of the Godosseans, pointing to a history of reckless and dangerous magical experiments by centuries of Godossean archmages. Some even say that the Magisterium caused the rift to the lower planes that destroyed Alousia.   Dependent on Alousia for food imports and other trade goods, Goddosea fell not long after Alousia did, though it took decades for the Magisterium to fully splinter.   First to secede was the ancient fey homeland of Cernoa, which reclaimed its independence within a few years of the Fall of Alousia. Within a few decades of Cernoan independence, the elven principality of Halaan broke away from the Magisterium, forming a racial caste system in their new kingdom, as well as a sometimes violent elven supremacist ideology. The much reduced remains of Goddossea were in the south, around the imperial capital of Nishima in what is now Fealand.   Within a few centuries, this shrunken Goddossea had been renamed after Feas the Great, the most famous hero of the later Halaanic Wars.   Fealand’s royalty still claim 'Incantor of Goddossea' among their titles, and the region continues to be known for their magical constructions and mastery of the arcane
Geopolitical, Empire
Government System
Economic System
Mixed economy
Neighboring Nations

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