1 Session to Rule Them All Report Report in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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1 Session to Rule Them All Report

General Summary

The party found a nursery with a slim figure in a rocking chair: the ghostly nursemaid Lada (never learned her name.) She confirmed Ismark was in the house, and frequently switched between what she knew as a living woman, and what she knew as a ghost. Thera pulled back the curtain on the bassinet, and the baby and Lqda disappeared.         The party proceeded through the double doors on the right. In the center of the room is a bloated blue body is hanging from the ceiling. The body aged as they approached, until it was mummified. Agueda cut the body down, and the clothes matched the lord of the manor. The party found his suicide note (see Durst House article.)   The party went up the secret stairs to the attic, and each opened one door. Thera and Agueda found empty guest bedrooms. Ireena found a furniture storage room, and saw an arm sticking out of a chest. Opening the chest reveals the body of the nurse maid, stabbed to death. She started moving, and Ireena stabbed her in the face but it didn't stop her. She pointed towards another door: the door Phi was attempting to open.   This final door was locked by a padlock, and the party did not find the key. Agueda picked the lock. The party found the Durst children’s room. The bodies of the children had recently been moved to their beds. Thera found another Von Weerg trinket, and as she played it, the ghost of the children appeared. Thorn was wearing Ismark's Jacket, and showed the party a staircase leading down. Phi collected the bodies of the kids to put them to rest.         The partt headed down the stairs and heard chanting in a language no one could understand. Phi put the children to rest and got inspiration.        At this point, it was late so we had one ghoul fight, and then skipped to a vanilla flesh mound boss fight. The party prevailed, and exited the house. On the porch, Ireena found a blood stained page from her brother's journal.   PC's are now level 3.

Missions/Quests Completed

Death House

Character(s) interacted with

Thorn, Rose, Lada (ghosts)
The Barovia Blues
Report Date
08 Oct 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location