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The Barovia Blues

A Dungeons & Dragons 5e game In the world of Anchored Worlds
August 20, 2021 January 2, 2022 | Full

Sessions Archive

5th Nov 2021

The Session That Vanishes Without a Tres

Post vampire-spawn-fight, the entire party finds themselves making some discoveries...both fortunate and unfortunate.

15th Oct 2021

Session 2: Electric Boogaloo

Post Durst House, the party makes their way towards the village of Barovia...which is INSIDE the valley of Barovia. Not confusing at all!

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8th Oct 2021

1 Session to Rule Them All

The conclusion to Death House! The gaining of levels! Subclasses!

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20th Aug 2021

Session 0.5: The Sessioning

Intro to the world, the players, Barovia, and maybe even Death House

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A group of four lost souls, two Barovians and two outsiders, find themselves entangled with the dark power struggle that grips the valley of Barovia.

This story is told by