Canis Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Canis (can-iss)

Canis is a quasi-god of discord who has long dwelled dormant in the valley. For eons, they have battled with their sibling Felis over the valley. When Strahd returned and brought war with him, it allowed Canis to strengthen. When Strahd made his pact and defiled Felis's sacred places, Canis was allowed to take over.   Canis presents themself as a great, four-headed dog. Their body is difficult to look at directly, and their pitch-black fur seems to contain a multitude of twisting stars and tides. Their four heads do not seem to fit on their body, and the four thick necks bluge out hideously from their wide shoulders. The heads rarely ever speak at once: usually one keeps watch while the others sleep or rest in a state of half-awake. If more than one head is awake and Canis is not actively fighting an enemy, the heads will begin to fight one another.   Their first head, Arad, resembles a borzoi with a wide grin and five eyes. She wishes discord through death. Arad is currently half-awake, and is speaking to the werewolves of the valley.   The second head, Vris, resembles a greyhound with two more mouths instead of eyes. He spreads discord through misery, and it is with him that Strahd made a deal. He rules Barovia now, and wishes only to sow misery.   The third head, Rane, resembles a bloodhound with rippling moving blood instead of fur and skin. He seeks to spread discord through selfishness. He is fully asleep.   The fourth head, Kurz, resembles a spaniel with a multitude of eyes all over its face. She spreads discord through deception. She is half-awake, and is speaking to the Abbot. She will also speak to any divine spellcasters in the party, pretending to be their god.

Divine Domains



Holy Symbol of Canis, The Dusksword

Tenets of Faith

Canis teaches no tenets.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Canis only wishes to sow discord upon the world. Its four heads have different ways of achieving this goal.
Divine Classification
Local Deity
They/Them (Canis) | She/Her (Arad) | He/Him (Vris) | He/Him (Rane) | She/Her (Kurz)