Coffin Maker's Workshop Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Coffin Maker's Workshop

This uninviting shop is two stories tall and has a sign shaped like a coffin above the front door. Every window of the workshop is a latticework of iron fitted with squares of frosted glass and are closed up tight. A deathly silence surrounds the establishment.
  Henrich van der Voort is a passable carpenter and a troubled, lonely man. He has no family and no friends. He profits from the deaths of others, and no one desires his company due to the ghastly nature of his handiwork. He is a dour man who is relentlessly pessimistic, and the fact that his first attempt to make a change in his life has gone so poorly.   Several months ago, Henrich was visited by a young woman (or perhaps man?) that he didn't recognize. She was charming and told him that he had a chance to change not only his fate, but the fate of the entire town. She made a deal with him to hold a great deal of boxes in his shop, promising a great deal of gold. She paid him half of the gold, an astounding 250 gp, when she delivered the crates, promising the other half when she came to retrieve them when she returned for the festival. In those boxes are several many vampire spawn, and the bones of St. Andral, which she got from Miroslav a few days prior.   The outside doors of the shop are barred shut from within. If the characters knock on a door, Henrich shouts, "We're closed! Go away!" without opening the door   If the players break into the store, Henrich offers little to no resistance. He tells them where to find the bones and the vampire spawn hidden in the junk room (he opened the crates out of curiosity a day before the players arrive.) He has no further information to give them than what they know above, if they ask.   If the players report the theft of the bones to the burgomaster, he will send four guards to arrest Henrich and retrieve the bones. If the guards show up during the daytime, he will surrender himself and the bones without a fight. If they come at night, he will surrender himself but will not retrieve the bones out of fear of the vampire spawn.
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