St. Andral's Church Building / Landmark in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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St. Andral's Church

The church in Vallaki is named for the head priest who spiritually led the valley when Barovia was established, Andral, who was named a saint by the people after his death. It is dedicated to the Morninglord.   Father Lucian Petrovich oversees the church and does his best to raise the spirits of the unhappy Vallakians. At night 2d6 + 6 Vallakian adults attend service, along with 2d6 children. Father Lucian offers his nightly congregation his prayers, and the promise of St. Andral's protection from evi.   Among the congregation is an old woman, Willemina Rustilova, whose son is the shoemaker Vadim Lukovich. He has been imprisoned for speaking out against the burgomaster. She prays for his release, and begs the priest nightly to speak to the burgomaster on her son's behalf. So far, neither prayer nor plea has been answered. Her son can be found in the depths of the burgomaster's mansion, being tortured.   Also among the congregation is a younger woman named Galina Borislovna. Her father is Boris Kirov, who has been missing for weeks. She prays for his return, and tries in vain to convince anyone to bring him home. Their family are poor, and her father grew increasingly desperate to improve their fortune. Ignoring all the warnings, he goes frequently to fish in the waters of Lake Zarovich.   Staying in the church permanently are Vuk, Vesna, and Vlasta, a trio of twelve-year-old orphans. They work as an altar boy, and a two-girl choir respectively. They are traumatized after the deaths of their parents at the paws of a pack of wolves and dire wolves. Also working in the church is a young man with a perpetually furrowed brow named Miroslav.  

The Bones of St. Andral

Until recently, the church was protected from darkness and evil by the bones of St. Andral, which were stelaed in a crypt beneath the church's main altar. When the bones are at their resting place in St. Andral's crypt, the church grounds become protected as if with a hallow spell. The church is now at risk because, a few weeks ago, someone broke into the crypt and stole the bones. Until recently, Father Lucian was the only person who knew about the bones, but he recalls mentioning them to Vuk over a month ago to ease the boy's fears. After the bones were stolen, the priest asked the young boy if he'd told anyone about the bones. The boy nodded, but wouldn't divulge a name. If the party proves helpful and good, he will mention the bones to them in the hopes that they will offer assistance, but will not press the matter.   Father Lucian correctly suspects Miroslav as the culprit, though he does not confront the man for a number of reasons. If the party confronts Miroslav and succeeds on a DC 10 Charisma (Intimidation/Persuation) check, he admits that Vuk told him about the bones, and that he in turn passed the information onto a beautiful young man (or perhaps woman?) who he did not recognize while drunk at the bar. Upon further pressing, he will further admit that the man paid him to steal the bones, but he didn't ask for what purpose. He doesn't believe the bones possess any true power.  


Father Lucian is a soft-spoken but firm man. He takes his position and responsibility in the town very seriously. He is very knowledgeable about the Morninglord (such as the Barovians know) and the history of Vallaki back a generation or two.   Vuk is the oldest of triplets, and an orphan living in the church. His family was killed by dire wolves while ferrying goods between villages. He is now terrified of monsters breaking into the village. He works as an altar boy. He is extremely nervous.   Vesna is the middle of triplets, and an orphan living in the church. She is part of the church choir with her sister (the only other member.) She is also very nervous, but extremely curious.   Vlasta is the youngest of triplets, and an orphan living in the church. She is part of the church choir with her sister (the only other member.) She is rather emotionless and blank-faced.   Miroslav is not an orphan, but does work in the church in addition to working in other places. He tends the church grounds, and digs graves. His parents died when he was young, and he has been responsible for raising his siblings ever since. He rejects the burgomaster's call that "All will be well!" and is frustrated with the stagnant state of affairs in Vallaki. He wants to be free of Barovia's curse, but sees no hope of escape.
Temple / Church
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