Gavriil "Blinsky" Orlov Character in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Gavriil "Blinsky" Orlov (g-ah-vrEEL blih-nskee ohr-l-oh-v)

Vallaki's toymaker (and also the only toymaker in the entire valley of Barovia), Gavriil "Blinsky" Orlov calls himself a "wizard of tiny wonders." He took up toymaking at a relatively young age, but his depressed and morbid personality bled into his toys and he was never popular. This has only deepened his depression.   Blinsky wholeheartedly believes the burgomaster's stance that happiness is the way to escape Barovia, and Strahd. He believes he is doing his part by creating toys and decorations, but most children want nothing to do with his toys. The only thing keeping him in business is the burgomaster paying him several gold a month to produce the decorations and costumes for the nonstop festivals Vallaki endures. Several months ago, he received another costumer in the form of Rudolph van Richten disguised as Rictavio, who bought a stuffed Vistani doll, and left him with the pet monkey Piccolo, who Blinsky adores. He has trained the monkey to fetch toys and do tricks, and has outfitted her with a custom-tailored ballerina tutu. She also has a jester outfit that matches his, a ballgown, and yellow sundress.   About a year ago, Blinsky discovered something that changed the game: an unfinished manual for tinkering and crafting called Masterworks of a Different Kind . Inside is a wealth of knowledge that elevated his toymaking to the next level. Unfortunately, this allowed his depressive designs to reach new heights of macabre. Beyond that, he still hasn't figured out the art of "soul infusion," that the book discusses in little detail, which seems to be the secret to creating the "perfect" gift.  

Blinsky Toys

This cramped shop has a dark entrance portico, above which hangs a wooden sign shaped like a rocking horse, with a "B" engraved on both sides. Flanking the entrance are two arched, lead-framed windows. Through the dirty glass, you see jumbled displays of morbid toys and hanging placards bearing the slogan, "Is No Fun, Is No Blinsky!"
  The dusty shop Blinsky runs sees very little business, but he keeps it well-stocked. On display are a few of his creations:
  • A headless doll that comes with a small sack of attachable heads, including one with its eyes and mouth stitched shut
  • A miniature gallows, complete with trapdoor and a weighted hanged man
  • A set of wooden nesting dolls; the smaller each one gets, the older it gets. The intermost doll is a mummified corpse
  • A wood-and-string mobile of hanging bats with flapping wings
  • A wind-up musical merry-go-round with figures of snarling wolves
  • A ventriloquist's dummy that looks like Strahd von Zarovich
  • A doll that looks remarkably like Ireena Kolyana (not for sale)
  • A doll that looks remarkably like Agueda Morosov (not for sale)
Current Location
Year of Birth
9825 38 Years old

Character Portrait image: Bli