Isilian Organization in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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The Isilian Heads are a council of halflings and humans that oversee a large area of land attached to Ditea by a thin strip of land. There are dozens of free cities in Isilian, though most of the land is farmland and wetlands that are being cultivated.

Demography and Population

Isilian is mostly populated by haflings. They live in a scattered and isolated cities and towns, and occupy the empty land in between on huge individual farms that employ enough people to establish a small town.
Geopolitical, Province
Government System
Democracy, Representative
Power Structure
Semi-autonomous area
Economic System
Barter system
Isilian has no official currency. The citizens use a strict barter system, but will exchange currency if they are exporting or importing goods. For ease, they use the same gold/silver/copper denominations of vanilla d&d when exchanging currency.
Legislative Body
The Heads are a council of elected officials who hail from all areas of the Isilian. Each has a team of aides responsible for traveling the land and reporting back with issues, requests, and updates from the common folk.
Neighboring Nations

Articles under Isilian