Yrsimian Republic Organization in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Yrsimian Republic

The Yrismian Republic is centrally located in the Duskmother mountain range and extends to the borders behind it. It is a primarily drow country, but there are dwarves and orcs among the population as well. Most tieflings on the continent of Ditea were born in the Republic.


Yrsimia is divided into large "clans" that are made up several ruling families. Each clan has a number of representatives proportional to its total population, and these representatives form the Senate. At the head of the Senate is one family, and at the head of that family is the Speaker. While the Speaker has historically been a hereditary role, it is believed that only through divination and confirmation can the Speaker truly be appointed.
Geopolitical, Republic
Alternative Names
Yrsimia, Y Republic
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Crowned Republic
Neighboring Nations
Notable Members

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