Samael Empire Organization in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Samael Empire

The Samael Empire is an elven superpower that has almost completely consumed the continent of Ditea. It is a very old empire, and though its growth has stagnated almost to a halt in recent years, the wounds of its violent conquest over the peoples of Ditea are still fresh and bleeding.   The rulers of Samael believe in they have their gods' blessing to rule the mortal planes.   The tenets of Samael revolve around illusion and appearance, and a pleasant lie rather than an upsetting truth.


At the top of the Empire is the High Empress (currently High Emperor, but elven society is typically matrilineal), whose power is absolute and overrules everything. The High Empress's children are called Low Empresses and Low Emperors, and they have no political power, but plenty of sway. The spouse of the High Empress is simply called the Emperor. Yes, it is quite confusing. No, the elves don't care. Below the royal family in power are the Princes/Princesses, who are the heads of noble families entrusted with overseeing large portions of the Empire (usually areas that used to be independent states) and enforcing the Empress's will. Whatever structure a Prince or Princess has below them is purely up to their own preference, but as with the Empress, their say is final and absolute. They usually appoint (or allow citizens to elect) Shepherds who oversee specific towns/cities/etc.


Samaeli culture is colorful and cheerful. Citizens are foremost concerned with keeping themselves and those above them happy, both in the long and short term. Fun and music are valued above most else, and often the most entertaining elements of conquered cultures are the first to be assimilated.


The Samael Empire began over seven thousand years ago, from the elven country of the same name. The Empress at the time received visions and power from her god and, believing it her divine duty to do so, she began to invade the surrounding kingdoms with her order of fae paladins.   There have been four dynasties since the Samael Empire was founded: the Samael Dynasty was first, and was followed by the Maestra Dynasty in 3738PS, the Nazdir Dynasty in 6723, and finally the Lazria Dynasty in 8984.


A majority of the continent has been seized by the Samael Empire over the course of the past seven millenia.

Foreign Relations

The three remaining free states on the continent are openly hostile towards the Samael Empire, either due to past invasion attempts or the inevitability of future attempts.

By the will of those Chosen

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Empire
Leader Title
Head of State
Head of Government
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Client state / puppet state
Economic System
Palace economy
The Samaeli currency is called "bells," but they fit into the dnd coinage terms of gold, silver, copper, etc. Unlike typical dnd currency, they are actually small hollow bells, enchanted to make a small sound when shaken. They lose all value if/when the enchantment wears off.
Controlled Territories
Notable Members
Related Ethnicities

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