Session & Four Report Report in Anchored Worlds | World Anvil
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Session & Four Report

General Summary

As the session began, Ireena found herself in a misty landscape with no end in sight. She resolved to walk through it, and quickly became aware of another set of footsteps. She attacked her pursuer with a bolt of light, and thwarted an attempted ambush, and came face to face with Strahd .   Strahd mocked Ireena's defiance, fully confident she would find her way back to him. He made no attempt to take her himself, content to just fuck with her.   While this is happening, Phi notices an unusual chill in the air. They gather the party, but by the time they investigate, Strahd has already departed. The party notices an alarming number of wolves watching the party from a distance while Ireena vents her anger on the nature around her.   There is a brief moment of tension when Phi throws a rock to get Ireena's attention, and Ireena returns with a spell.   When the party returns to camp, they instantly notice that the Vistani are acting different. They are on edge, and their merriment is forced. The native Barovians note that this is normal: if Strahd's presence is known or suspected, acting like nothing is amiss is believed to be a way to avoid his ire.   Thera asks about Castle Ravenloft, and Ireena recalls that it was intentionally designed to be disorienting and confusing. She also shares that Strahd has numerous consorts, reveals his history of abuse, and reveals the location of the graves as being below Castle Ravenloft   Phi has a very enlightening discussion with Faran, during which they realize they do not have to cast Speak with Animals to talk to him. They also realize his voice is at least two voices speaking in unison. He shares several cryptic revelations, including the fact that Strahd took his eyes. As he reveals this, Phi hears a deafening chorus of magpie shrieks.   When Thera speaks Strahd's name aloud, Faran responds immediately, taking her voice. She cannot communicate at all. The party, fearing she is having a stroke, goes to fetch Madame Eva. The silence wears off before she arrives, however. In the aftermath, Faran appears even more emaciated and sick than before.   Ireena returns to Madame Eva, asking how to kill Strahd. The Madame reiterates the reading she gave before, pulling without looking the Druid and Broken One cards.   That night, Ireena mingles with the Vistani to get information. One drunk man is particularly forthcoming, and reveals that everyone believes this group is special. No outsider has ever gotten an accurate reading from Madame Eva before, even if they came in the company of a Barovian.   The party wakes to find the Vistani packing up to leave. Thera gifts Madame Eva a bird whistle. The party departs, with two more horses gifted by the Vistani. The party take a shortcut pointed out by the Vistani that significantly shortens their journey.   As they travel, the party notices a group of wolves keeping pace. The wolves make no attempt to attack. That night, when Ireena takes watch, she notices that one of their number is not a wolf, but a man in a wolf's form. Strahd grins at his wayward bride before disappearing.   Ireena enlists Phi to investigate her father's ring. They discover that while the ring does aid against scrying attempts, it also allows the wearer to become invisible. The magic on it is fading, however. It is not growing weaker, but it only has a few "hits" left in it.   We left the party in the dead of night in the Barovian woods, shaken but determined.

Rewards Granted

Two horses, refilled rations

Character(s) interacted with

Count Strahd, Madame Eva, Faran
The Barovia Blues
Report Date
10 Dec 2021
Primary Location